Why is it that every time I have problem with anything "technical," my call gets transferred 1,000 miles away to India?! It's frustrating. Frustrating to buy a product in America, only to find that nobody with an American accent can help me, so I'm left asking "I'm sorry, what did you say?!?!" the whole conversation (since I'm absolutely horrible w/ understanding any accent!). The first time I encountered this problem was with XM radio, which after 4 months of a never-ending cycle of calling them to fix it, and them not being able to understand my problem, I finally canceled the whole service (that was a xmas gift from my dad one year). It was much less frustrating then calling them everyday, it just simply wasn't worth the hassle & frustration!
But that brings me to my most recent encounter, hence the reason for today's venting. I bought some new video editing software for my computer (since we upgraded to Windows 7, and I lost my old program, which worked just fine, thankya very much) and it had all these weird quirks, causing things to not work correctly and making me wanna rip my hair out. It was the final touch for my wedding video, and I was anxious to finally get it done. But NOOOOO, instead of a quick 20-minute project, to finalize it, I spent 4 hours fighting with them & the program. Finally, after all the effort & numerous calls to the call-center, the guy (from India, of course) gave me the activation code to take my $49.99 version of the software up to the premium $99.99 version of the software, for free :) I think after my 5th call to them, and the guy actually knowing my name before me giving it to him, was the final touch. Of course, I would be more thrilled if I was ever going to use this program again in my life, but right now, I never ever want to look at another video-editing-anything for the rest of my life...
Lesson Learned: Hire a videographer
Hairs Left: 2
Finished Wedding Video: Priceless
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Ending...
Unemployment has finally come to an end! I start Westinghouse on Monday, after getting their offer over 2 weeks ago. I'm tired of thinking about all the "what-ifs" about the job, it can really drive a person crazy, I just wanna get in there and see how it is, and know what the job is going to be like. I'm ready for a fresh start, and I'm sick of being stuck at home all day. Don't get me wrong, it was a nice little vacation at the beginning, but by this point, I don't enjoy it at all, and miss having somewhere I actually have to be, haha.... or stories to tell Ross over dinner about my day. I miss work gossip :P
Anyways, I'm excited to get back into the "job-world." My first day of work is a full day of orientation, so at least I'm not diving in head first. I'm assuming they'll give me a tour of the facility since it's a 'bajillion' square feet, no really, I think is it. And after that, it'll be smooth sailing, hopefully....
Anyways, I'm excited to get back into the "job-world." My first day of work is a full day of orientation, so at least I'm not diving in head first. I'm assuming they'll give me a tour of the facility since it's a 'bajillion' square feet, no really, I think is it. And after that, it'll be smooth sailing, hopefully....
Sunday, April 25, 2010
My Favorite Things
Well, we're finally situated in the new apartment and I wanted to share it with all of you! It was hard to take pictures of the rooms, so I decided to just highlight some of my favorite things in the new apt. :)
First off, my absolute favorite thing in this apt. is my new, and very own, washer & dryer:
Aren't they bea-u-ti-ful! Yes, I am truly in love. I've managed to do at least 3 loads of laundry a day since moving in and I'm yet to be bored with them. Ross laughs at me, but he doesn't understand the frustration of trying to do laundry only to find that you don't have any quarters left, or lugging all your laundry downstairs only to realize that the washers are already taken! Ok, maybe he does understand a little, but he still doesn't appreciate them as much as I do :) I think he's secretly laughing at how domesticated I've become...geesh, who woulda thought! I also wanted to point out the curtains hanging, which hides a shelving unit I have to the left of the washer & dryer, sneaky sneaky! I love not seeing all the clutter hidden behind the curtains! Of course, I could also close the curtains to hide the washer & dryer, but for these beauties, I like looking at them at all times :)
Secondly, I have to give a shout-out to our new fluffy 4'x6' rug in our bathroom:
The picture doesn't nearly do it justice, but it's the best rug in the world...courtesy of Target, and it's also the perfect size for our oddly big-sized bathroom. I love our bathroom 100x more than the last apt. after getting situated in it. I bought a pretty new shower curtain and some really cute new accessories:
This is an odd picture, but I wanted to show off my new soap pump....it's also from Target, but I love the vintage-y style and the subtle green glass (since our bathroom is full of greens and beiges). It makes me smile every time I wash my hands :)
Next, I've come to love our small, teeny-tiny kitchen:

Yup, that's pretty much it.... the only room I was able to capture in one photo. The kitchen cart is from Mike & Michelle who were no longer using it and let us borrow it for awhile. I'm in love with it, and it adds some much needed counter space! After freaking out about the kitchen being too small before moving in, and not knowing how I was gonna make it work, I found the perfect solution, and now love this space more than the bigger kitchen in the old apt.
Here a pic of our eating space:
Nothing too exciting here, but I thought I'd share anyways. This space is in the same room as the kitchen and the washer & dryer. It's a big odd-shaped room, but it's working out perfectly.
Here's a few random living room pics:

The living room is also much smaller, but it feels so cozy, and all our furniture fit perfectly.
Sorry to not have any bedroom pics. It's the least exciting room, especially since Ross is STILL unpacking his closet and it's a huge mess! And it's barely decorated. Isn't it always that way?! Why do we always leave that room for last?!
Oh, and lastly, I didn't want to forget my other new addition to our apt.:
Fresh Herbs!! Holla' for saving a dolla' everytime a recipe calls for fresh herbs :) Please excuse the dying basil. I'll be lucky if I can keep them alive for long, but for now, they're alive and kickin'. For now. Because they've only been in my possession for a few days. But now that I have the little railing and deck out the front door, I felt the need to finally buy fresh herbs since I had the perfect place for them.
All in all, I'm very happy with the new space. The washer & dryer make this apt. 100x better than the old. I had to sacrifice a dishwasher, but I've found that I really don't mind not having one. This apt. became a great solution until we can finally save up to buy a house, but for now, I'm happy and content in the new digs. And I'm especially happy with how much better this place looks after decorating and adding some of our own touches. I should've taken some 'before' photos, b/c it was def. a challenge to make it look cozy and livable.
First off, my absolute favorite thing in this apt. is my new, and very own, washer & dryer:
Secondly, I have to give a shout-out to our new fluffy 4'x6' rug in our bathroom:
The picture doesn't nearly do it justice, but it's the best rug in the world...courtesy of Target, and it's also the perfect size for our oddly big-sized bathroom. I love our bathroom 100x more than the last apt. after getting situated in it. I bought a pretty new shower curtain and some really cute new accessories:
This is an odd picture, but I wanted to show off my new soap pump....it's also from Target, but I love the vintage-y style and the subtle green glass (since our bathroom is full of greens and beiges). It makes me smile every time I wash my hands :)
Next, I've come to love our small, teeny-tiny kitchen:
Yup, that's pretty much it.... the only room I was able to capture in one photo. The kitchen cart is from Mike & Michelle who were no longer using it and let us borrow it for awhile. I'm in love with it, and it adds some much needed counter space! After freaking out about the kitchen being too small before moving in, and not knowing how I was gonna make it work, I found the perfect solution, and now love this space more than the bigger kitchen in the old apt.
Here a pic of our eating space:
Here's a few random living room pics:
Sorry to not have any bedroom pics. It's the least exciting room, especially since Ross is STILL unpacking his closet and it's a huge mess! And it's barely decorated. Isn't it always that way?! Why do we always leave that room for last?!
Oh, and lastly, I didn't want to forget my other new addition to our apt.:
All in all, I'm very happy with the new space. The washer & dryer make this apt. 100x better than the old. I had to sacrifice a dishwasher, but I've found that I really don't mind not having one. This apt. became a great solution until we can finally save up to buy a house, but for now, I'm happy and content in the new digs. And I'm especially happy with how much better this place looks after decorating and adding some of our own touches. I should've taken some 'before' photos, b/c it was def. a challenge to make it look cozy and livable.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Boxes and Boxes
Moving day is tomorrow and I would like to state for the record 2 simple facts about this move...
# of Boxes I've packed = 30+
# of Boxes Ross has packed = 3
How did I get stuck with this job?! And wasn't it HIS idea that we move! Ugh...I have some frustration towards him and he definitely owes me! You just wait Ross, you .... just ...... wait ....mwahahaha....
# of Boxes I've packed = 30+
# of Boxes Ross has packed = 3
How did I get stuck with this job?! And wasn't it HIS idea that we move! Ugh...I have some frustration towards him and he definitely owes me! You just wait Ross, you .... just ...... wait ....mwahahaha....
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Hired (again!)
Celebration is in order! I got a call from Westinghouse this morning to offer me the position that I interviewed for on Tuesday. I couldn't believe it, I basically lived in a glorious-happy-daze all day. First off, I wasn't supposed to hear back from them for weeks (which Ross informed me, through his HR experience, that that is what their supposed to say), and secondly, I can't believe I got the job :) Not only is it a GREAT company, but I am also getting paid more than my job at GVA Oxford, and not paying for parking (a savings of $1200/yr....$5/day really adds up!) and the insurance is also a 1/3 of the price that I was paying with for Oxford.
So, I'm basically ecstatic, to sum things up. I couldn't have been given a better opportunity, and I know the Lord was def. planning something this whole time. He sure did have better plans for me than I had for myself! Hopefully this job works out, unlike the last, but it's an Administrative Aide position (no more receptionist duties for this gal) so I feel I'll have more important duties than filing, and if i really hate it, I can always transfer to another dept. since the whole company is unionized. But for now, I'll be working with their finance/accounting dept. At least I liked math back in high school?! But heck, I can't NOT give it a try with all the great incentives, and I will def. MAKE IT WORK!
Lastly, THANK YOU for all the congrats via Facebook and the prayers you've been sending our way :) We really appreciate it!
So, I'm basically ecstatic, to sum things up. I couldn't have been given a better opportunity, and I know the Lord was def. planning something this whole time. He sure did have better plans for me than I had for myself! Hopefully this job works out, unlike the last, but it's an Administrative Aide position (no more receptionist duties for this gal) so I feel I'll have more important duties than filing, and if i really hate it, I can always transfer to another dept. since the whole company is unionized. But for now, I'll be working with their finance/accounting dept. At least I liked math back in high school?! But heck, I can't NOT give it a try with all the great incentives, and I will def. MAKE IT WORK!
Lastly, THANK YOU for all the congrats via Facebook and the prayers you've been sending our way :) We really appreciate it!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The Big Move
Well, not yet. The big move is not 'til next Sunday, but Ross & I got a lot accomplished today to get ready for the move. We brought over 2 cars full of boxes in order to get a head start on moving. My grandma helped me clean the new apartment today while waiting for my delicious new washer & dryer to arrive. And when they did, I surely did a happy dance. I can't wait to do laundry without quarters!! I unpacked a few boxes, but there are definitely many more to go which will wait until we have some help next weekend. The old apartment is slowly getting packed up. Everyday I choose to eliminate something else and pack it away until next week. I can't believe how much stuff we have! And I've always been the frugal one in my family...geesh. (On another note....at least I did NOT have 5 boxes of "Kitchen Gadgets"!! *ahem* michelle. j/k, wait, no, she really DID have a million boxes of kitchen gadgets. Ok, ok, I should be nice or else she won't help us move.)
It's bittersweet saying good-bye to the old place, but I'm excited for some change. And I can already tell Dakota is going to love her big yard at the new place, as she was roaming around off-leash today for awhile, and surprisingly enough, did not run away.... Aw shucks, she must like me, she really really likes me! *ahem* Anywho, I'll be ecstatic to finally no longer have to look at a box! We've been packing up (out of boredom!) for the last 2 months. Unemployment does some weird things to you.
Besides that, I have an interview on Tuesday I'm excited about...andddd there I go jinxing it (maybe you should all wish me luck). And I've been applying to jobs for Ross (with his permission) since he seems to have no free time anymore, now that he's landscaping. He will def. owe me his life (o wait, isn't that what marriage is for?!?! j/k, j/k....it's because we LURV each other) if I get him a job.
So it seems like life is always keeping us on our toes at the Seibert household! But on another note....I hate packing... and moving.... who's idea was this anyway?!
It's bittersweet saying good-bye to the old place, but I'm excited for some change. And I can already tell Dakota is going to love her big yard at the new place, as she was roaming around off-leash today for awhile, and surprisingly enough, did not run away.... Aw shucks, she must like me, she really really likes me! *ahem* Anywho, I'll be ecstatic to finally no longer have to look at a box! We've been packing up (out of boredom!) for the last 2 months. Unemployment does some weird things to you.
Besides that, I have an interview on Tuesday I'm excited about...andddd there I go jinxing it (maybe you should all wish me luck). And I've been applying to jobs for Ross (with his permission) since he seems to have no free time anymore, now that he's landscaping. He will def. owe me his life (o wait, isn't that what marriage is for?!?! j/k, j/k....it's because we LURV each other) if I get him a job.
So it seems like life is always keeping us on our toes at the Seibert household! But on another note....I hate packing... and moving.... who's idea was this anyway?!
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