Saturday, May 22, 2010
Rain, Rain, Go Away
I have a TON of errands to run today, and it's raining :( I hate running errands in the rain, in case running errands isn't bad enough, now its wet out, and people are dumb when it comes to driving in the rain. O well....I'll gladly let it rain this weekend if that means it'll be nice next weekend for our camping trip with friends :) Hence the reason I have so many things to do....just trying to get ready for our first camping trip of the season and getting things done that can't be done next weekend. I can't wait for next weekend! It's gonna be a blast :) Now I just gotta get through my to-do list for today, and hopefully not be a total wreck at the end of the day. Who knows, if I have any time or energy left, Ross said he would take me to see Shrek Forever After!! I lurv Shrek! I read a few bad reviews, but what do those critics know anyways?! I don't think I'll be too disappointed (just give me a bag of popcorn and this girl is happy!). But don't I just have the sweetest husband that will take me to a movie he could careless to see just b/c I want to go?! I know.. I think he's pretty awesome too :)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Weekend blabbering
So week 2 of work is over, and I would say that it's def. getting better everyday. I'm finally learning my way around, asking a ton of ?'s and having an idea of who to go to for help, and basically feeling more comfortable w/ the job as time goes on. It's been a hectic 2 weeks, but it's only getting better. I went to happy hour after work w/ some co-workers yesterday, which was fun. I ended up staying a lot longer than I had planned, but that was ok. I needed to get to know the people I work with, so it was a perfect excuse. Their all really friendly, and I think I'll really enjoy this job in the long run.
Other than work keeping me busy, Ross & I are looking forward to camping in a few weeks w/ some of our closest friends. We're taking advantage of memorial day weekend to camp, and we're going to try out white-water rafting for the first time.... I can't wait! It's def. the one thing I can look forward to that's getting me through my 1st month of work! So that should be fun and hopefully we have nice weather. Oh...and if anyone has suggestions about what is best to wear for white-water rafting, please do tell! I'm kind of at a loss....
Besides that, no new updates. Everything is calm and back to normal at the Seibert household, now that I'm back to work and Ross is keeping busy landscaping. Of course, he's back on the job hunt after taking a break for awhile, so hopefully he hears something soon. I know he's anxious to be out of the heat all day and have his back feeling normal again!
Other than work keeping me busy, Ross & I are looking forward to camping in a few weeks w/ some of our closest friends. We're taking advantage of memorial day weekend to camp, and we're going to try out white-water rafting for the first time.... I can't wait! It's def. the one thing I can look forward to that's getting me through my 1st month of work! So that should be fun and hopefully we have nice weather. Oh...and if anyone has suggestions about what is best to wear for white-water rafting, please do tell! I'm kind of at a loss....
Besides that, no new updates. Everything is calm and back to normal at the Seibert household, now that I'm back to work and Ross is keeping busy landscaping. Of course, he's back on the job hunt after taking a break for awhile, so hopefully he hears something soon. I know he's anxious to be out of the heat all day and have his back feeling normal again!
Friday, May 7, 2010
5 days down...Infinite to go...
I just finished up my first week at Westinghouse, and let me tell you, it has been a roller coaster! Monday I had to sit through an 8-hr. orientation w/ a classroom of other new hires, to learn all about the history and future of Westinghouse. It was a long day, but was very well organized and executed. Maybe they've done this more than once, huh?!
Tuesday was a different story. It was my first official day in my job. I was shown my workspace, met a few of my coworkers, and then thrown to the wolves. Literally. The conversation went a little like this:
me: "So who exactly will be training me?"
manager: "oh, funny you should ask. We actually don't have anyone to train you."
me: *speechless* *dumbfounded* *shocked* "ummmm....ok"
So .....the rest of the day was basically a blur of trying to get settled in, yet having no clue what I should be doing, what I might be doing in the future, etc. Wednesday was basically the same story, but with work actually given to me. I think I had 3 panic attacks, and 2 hours of being on the verge of tears. Sadly, I'm not exaggerating.
Thursday, I guess they finally decided they needed someone to help me out (since I only mentioned it a few hundred times!). One of the admin.'s from another floor came up to help me get started...I mean, the security at this place is so ridiculous, I couldn't even DO work if I had wanted. I had no clue how to get any of my usernames, passwords, etc., etc., etc. And every time I tried asking for help, they'd tell me to call the helpdesk, who would reply "oh, just contact your admin...she should know." I AM THE ADMIN.!!! ugh. this was going no where. Once I met with the admin. on Thursday morning, things were going a lot smoother. For one thing, I could finally log into the xerox machine to make a copy! Wahoo...progress. Friday was also a surprisingly good day. I got some work, had a lot of questions (but at least I knew who to go to for help) and got a few things accomplished. I even had a 'group' lunch with a few people in my department.
Overall, I'm ecstatic for the first week to be over with. It's always the worst, even if you try to prepare for it, you can't. So my motto for now, which is proving to be true so far, "every day will be better than the last." Maybe that's why I liked my old job so much, b/c I was there for so long, I knew what I was doing. I liked knowing the answer when someone would ask me a question. So I know that if I give Westinghouse a chance, I'll probably like it just as much.
Tuesday was a different story. It was my first official day in my job. I was shown my workspace, met a few of my coworkers, and then thrown to the wolves. Literally. The conversation went a little like this:
me: "So who exactly will be training me?"
manager: "oh, funny you should ask. We actually don't have anyone to train you."
me: *speechless* *dumbfounded* *shocked* "ummmm....ok"
So .....the rest of the day was basically a blur of trying to get settled in, yet having no clue what I should be doing, what I might be doing in the future, etc. Wednesday was basically the same story, but with work actually given to me. I think I had 3 panic attacks, and 2 hours of being on the verge of tears. Sadly, I'm not exaggerating.
Thursday, I guess they finally decided they needed someone to help me out (since I only mentioned it a few hundred times!). One of the admin.'s from another floor came up to help me get started...I mean, the security at this place is so ridiculous, I couldn't even DO work if I had wanted. I had no clue how to get any of my usernames, passwords, etc., etc., etc. And every time I tried asking for help, they'd tell me to call the helpdesk, who would reply "oh, just contact your admin...she should know." I AM THE ADMIN.!!! ugh. this was going no where. Once I met with the admin. on Thursday morning, things were going a lot smoother. For one thing, I could finally log into the xerox machine to make a copy! Wahoo...progress. Friday was also a surprisingly good day. I got some work, had a lot of questions (but at least I knew who to go to for help) and got a few things accomplished. I even had a 'group' lunch with a few people in my department.
Overall, I'm ecstatic for the first week to be over with. It's always the worst, even if you try to prepare for it, you can't. So my motto for now, which is proving to be true so far, "every day will be better than the last." Maybe that's why I liked my old job so much, b/c I was there for so long, I knew what I was doing. I liked knowing the answer when someone would ask me a question. So I know that if I give Westinghouse a chance, I'll probably like it just as much.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Farewell Old Friend...
Even though we technically moved 2 weeks ago, it was only yesterday that we finally turned in the keys to the old apartment. It was a bittersweet moment.
That apartment was a first for many things, and looking back on it, I can't believe how much has changed since first moving in there. I lived there for 3 years, and Ross, 2 years. It was my first taste of independence, my first taste of adulthood. I never really had the "college" experience, so the first year of living alone really allowed me to learn a lot about myself. I held my first "real world" job while living there. I transferred to GVA Oxford only months after moving in there, and got laid off from GVA months before moving out, so I really relate that apartment to my time spent at a job I enjoyed that also helped carve a path for my future.
Ross & I got engaged while living there and married the next year:

We brought home Dakota to that apartment. She was my first dog (aside from family pets, that don't count) that I had to beg and beg Ross to allow me to get. Of course, I had wanted a pug all along, but we had compromised & settled on a miniature dachshund. Now I could officially call us a "family."

We also hosted our very first party with all of our friends on New Year's Eve 2008. It was a blast and one to remember :)

A lot has changed for Ross as well since moving in. This apartment was his first time not living at home with his parents anymore. He always commuted to college, so he also did not have the "college" experience. Aside from that, he's now a married man :) He also graduated from Robert Morris, and then IUP with his master's. He was studying hard in those days, and now finally has time to relax. He also purchased his first bike (after nicely calling me @ work one day to ask for permission, I'll never forget that phone call!) What a good husband :)
In case you're wondering, he's moved on already to a newer and better bike, for no cost, don't ask how but I guess my husband's a hustler! Don't worry if you can't see a difference, b/c I couldn't either and he was offended, ha!

Even though 3 years may not sound like a lot of time, it's amazing how much has changed! I can't wait to see what the next 3 years holds for us. We hope to own our first house in the next 3 years, and I hope to see us both working full-time jobs that we love and in the careers we had seen for ourselves. Maybe that is asking too much, but you can't have what you don't strive for. So here's a toast to the future and remembering old times :)
Ross & I got engaged while living there and married the next year:

We brought home Dakota to that apartment. She was my first dog (aside from family pets, that don't count) that I had to beg and beg Ross to allow me to get. Of course, I had wanted a pug all along, but we had compromised & settled on a miniature dachshund. Now I could officially call us a "family."

We also hosted our very first party with all of our friends on New Year's Eve 2008. It was a blast and one to remember :)

Even though 3 years may not sound like a lot of time, it's amazing how much has changed! I can't wait to see what the next 3 years holds for us. We hope to own our first house in the next 3 years, and I hope to see us both working full-time jobs that we love and in the careers we had seen for ourselves. Maybe that is asking too much, but you can't have what you don't strive for. So here's a toast to the future and remembering old times :)
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