Ross & I had an exciting weekend....we looked at our first house! It was the first house we saw with potential .... our first inside tour of a house ..... and now our first accepted offer! That's right, we loved the house, the yard, the inside, everything, and put an offer on it Monday night. Tuesday morning at 10:00 am, Stephanie called to tell us that our offer was accepted :) First time's a charm?!
Before I get ahead of myself, maybe I should brief you on the house a bit. Here's a picture of our future abode (if everything goes according to plan, I'll get to that later!):

Isn't it so Frank Lloyd Wright-ish?! It's so unique, so lovely, so much potential!
And here are a few more pics:

This is another view of the front. That big window to the left would be our "living room."

Kitchen. It's the only updated room in the whole house, very modern-ish, I guess. I like the almost new gas range :)

This room comes off of the entryway when you walk in the front door. I think we'll make this a 'den.' Straight ahead is the kitchen and to the left of this room is the sunk-in living room.

Here's a good view of the living room. You can ignore my weird face :) Again, we have so many projects in mind for this room! Stay tuned...

This is the other side of the living room. Straight ahead is the dining room (with misc. furniture that was left behind that I'll prob. rehab :)

Here is our back-yard. I like to call this the "floating deck!" Even though we have an acre of land, this is pretty much our backyard for the time being. And it's very swampy, so when spring comes, we'll have to figure out how to fix that. I'd love to get rid of the deck and add a brick patio, but we have to figure out the drainage issue first I guess! One project at a time.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST...... Our mailbox!!............

HAHHAHAHA. Yup, this is what the owner's left us to work with. After hours of laughter over the mailbox, I'm kind of growing partial to it. Perhaps we shall keep it?! HAHAHA...
But let's go back to how this all began, and the roller coaster it's been and going to be:
I first spotted the house and drove past it last week. After inquiring about it, Stephanie, our Realtor, pointed out that it was a Foreclosure, so then I had to check with our Mortgage Lender to see if we would still qualify. He said 'yes', I said 'yay' and we looked at it with Stephanie on Saturday. Once Ross & I had the walk-through and decided that we liked it, we called in the 'rents to look at it and see if they thought it was also a good investment (as much as want to be all "grown up" and do this on our own, who the wiser than our parents to give us some insight?!). They also loved it, so they were happy for us.
Monday night, we sat down with Stephanie and put our offer in. Since it's a foreclosure, there are a lot of loopholes to get through. Things that normally the seller would help you out with, won't happen, since there is no seller, just a bank, who doesn't care a rat's toot about us! A lot of things are falling on us to handle, BUT we got such a great DEAL from it being in foreclosure that we just couldn't say NO.
Now it's time to pay to turn all the Utilities back ON, and get the home inspection. This is where our real anxiety kicks in, b/c the house is being sold "as-is," anything that they find wrong with it, is up to us to fix or we can exit the contract completely. So keep your fingers crossed nothing major needs fixed. IF we get through all the necessary steps, our closing date will be Dec. 20th. Can anyone say "Merry Christmas to Us!!" :) Until then, I'll keep you posted....