Thursday, November 12, 2009

Christmas Materialism

I'm so excited for christmas this year, that I'm thinking of actually putting up our christmas tree this weekend.  Yup, that's right, but maybe don't mention it to Ross b/c he'll just call me crazy.  I've really gotten into the whole christmas shopping experience as well.  Usually, I hate christmas shopping...b/c I hate ALL shopping, no, really, I do, my mom & sister can vouch for me, since they usually had to bribe me with food (yup, just like a 5-year-old, but always worked! and still does!) to get me to go shopping with them.  Anyways, I always looked at it as a materialistic thing, and hated that Christmas revolved around shopping and that last minute trip to the mall on xmas eve and how much we all spend (which is a fortune!) (of course, I never minded receiving gifts! Shout-Out to my mom & dad!). But I think I finally got the hang of it this year.  So far, all the presents we've bought for people (I started xmas shopping last weekend) I can say truly have heart and thought behind them or that I know the person will really like them.  I can't wait to give presents this year! This is definitely a first.  NOW I am starting to understand the whole meaning behind Christmas (aside from that small little event that took place in Bethlehem all those years ago!!) but that it's also about being around the people you love most, sharing gifts from the heart and not about how much you spent, and truly appreciating what God has given you in life.  Sorry, that was probably a little sappy (or just insightful!), but you get my jift.  I can't wait for christmas (especially since i won't be one of those last minute shoppers!) that I understand it as more than just a materialistic holiday. (Sorry it took me 23 years....i'm just one big snob, what can i say?!) So Merry Christmas! I can't wait :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree! It's so exciting to give a heart-felt gift. I try to do that, but after I buy the first few, I feel done and then forget about everything else until it's WAY TOO LATE! Thanks for reminding me that it's time to get my head in the game :)
