Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How to Disturb your Brother In One Easy Conversation

I went to lunch today with mom & stephen. Stephen offered to give me a ride back to work after lunch, as mom went on her way to run errands in Cranberry, and this is how it all went down :) ........

In Stephen's truck
Stephen's cell phone starts to ring
Stephen looks at his phone...."Oh, it's mom"
(answers phone)

Stephen: "Hello?"

Mom: "Hey, I forgot to ask Kristin when we were together at lunch, but does she need anything from Costco's? I'm running there right now."

Stephen to Kristin: "Do you need anything from Costco's?"


Stephen to mom: "Ew, gross, I guess she needs Tampons." *laughing*

Mom: *laughing*

Mom to Stephen: "Gee Steve, do you need any tampons?!"

Stephen to Mom: "No, no, I'm fine. But apparently Kristin does." (still disgusted yet laughing at the awkward situation happening in his "manly" truck)


Stephen to Kristin: "I thought maybe you were kidding and just saying that to gross me out."

Kristin: "Nope, nope, I'm serious. I really do need tampons."

Stephen to Mom: "I'm just going to assume you know which brand b/c this conversation has already been disturbing enough."

Mom: *still laughing* "Yeah, I'm good. I know which ones. Thanks Stephen!"

(hangs up phone)

Stephen to Me: "Alright then ....*pause*...... lunch was fun, I think it's time for you to be dropped off."
(pulls up to my work)

Kristin: *HAHAHA* "BYE!!"

*hops out of truck*

***THE END***

1 comment:

  1. Haha...funny. Steve told us the story as well at lunch on Thur...I found it funny then also:)
