Thursday, December 9, 2010

Disney World Blues...

I'm in one of the happiest places on Earth, and just don't seem to be feeling the spirit. I'm currently updating my blog at 11:15 am this morning, trying to kill time, because I'm waiting for the hubs to wake up. He has a headache, so he is still sleeping and hoping to get rid of it. But I can't be mad, I passed my sickness off on him. Here I am, finally feeling better after being sick for the first half of vacation, now to only have to hope that Ross gets better in the next, oh, 5 minutes, so we can try to enjoy the last 2 days we have left here in Disney World.

Besides the sickness putting a damper on our vacation, the weather has been REALLY cold! We definitely weren't prepared for it, and had to run to Target Monday night to buy scarves, gloves & hats, which I've worn all week. Sure, it beats Pittsburgh and their highs of 27 degrees, but surely we weren't expecting this for Florida!

Anyway, I could keep going on and on about what's gone wrong with our vacation. It certainly hasn't been the best, but I'm still happy we're here, and that I wasn't so sick that I was bedridden. I enjoyed most of the rides, ate lots of good food, and now, it's finally getting warmer outside! I probably won't have to wear my underarmor today :)

Welp, it's a shame that we finally had a whole week off of work, to only be sick for most of it. O well. I might actually be ready to end this vacation in 2 days.....

1 comment:

  1. Just be happy you weren't in Butler, we got a foot of snow in 3 days! But sorry your vacation wasn't all that great!
