Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sectional Hunting

Ross & I were THIIIIS close to purchasing a sectional this weekend. I wasn't even looking for a couch this weekend, but once you go shopping with mom ....well, things change, she's a very convincing person, ha! And we DO need a new couch for the house, so it didn't hurt to look.

I showed it to Ross Saturday night, but we decided to go home and 'sleep on the decision' before spending any money. Sunday, we showed up at the store with the intention of buying it, but were still too hesitant, so we walked away. Here is the sectional (shown in black leather, we would've ordered it in a chocolate brown leather):

What do you think?? Do you like the look of it?

I am still up in the air about it, so I'm glad we didn't go through with it. Especially since this was our first chance to look at couches. I think we need to spend a little more time shopping around.

Here are our main reasons for NOT buying the couch:
1) Worried about the leather. How does it hold up? Doesn't it scratch and begin to crack after wear-and-tear? (even though they said it wouldn't scratch, I find that hard to believe)
2) Don't like the 'look' of it.
3) Price. A bit steep for us, we'll have to be on the lookout for another sale if we do decide to buy this after all.

Those are a LOT of reasons to not want the sectional, so why the heck did we pick it out in the first place? Well, as soon as mom & I sat down in it.... HEAVEN! It was the comfiest sofa I've ever been in. Oh, my, gawd. Pure bliss. I'm not usually a leather person, but this was exceptional.

But there are still those 3 reasons holding me & Ross back, so we need to keep shopping. On the other hand, I know our choices are VERY limited due to my ginormous list of WANTS/NEEDS for our future couch:

1) a sectional with the 'wedge' vs. just a corner cushion, that way someone can still easily sit in the corner and I can sneak a floor lamp behind it for extra lighting :)

2) fabric, but only as long as the cusions come OFF, and I can throw them in the washer (a lot of cushions seem to be attached to the back of the couch, Hello?!?! How do you clean that?? And don't tell me SPOT CLEANING! Ugh, I don't think so. Not after a dog throws up on it (more than once). Gross, spot cleaning will just NOT DO! Now aren't you excited to come to my house?! ha! Surely I can't be the only one who's dealt with this! Kids will be just as messy one day...oh the horror.)

3) possibly leather, but I'm still uncertain about how it holds up. At least it would clean easily!

4) Size is a HUGE obstacle, b/c most sectionals are too big for the corner of our room, believe it or not. The one above was still 3" too big, but I could make it work.

5) Last but not least, it needs to be comfy :)

6) Oh, and price, we're not rich ya know.

Thought, anyone?! Leather vs. fabric? How leather holds up? Should the 'comfy-ness' outweigh the look of it? Perhaps I'm just too picky. HA! Oh the headaches.....


  1. I would be nervous about leather also, especially with Dakota (aka any dog that has claws). But keep looking, you'll find something. I didn't expect to get the couches I got, but I also had NOTHING in mind, so it wasn't too hard for me:) So clear your mind, maybe that will help!

  2. Thanks! I was worried too about Dakota's claws, especially when their just cut. I have no idea how they can say that it won't scratch!

  3. I think there are different ways to dye leather and that has alot to do with scratching. If the leather is dyed the whole way through (vs. just a surface dye?) you won't see the scratches the way you would expect to. But this type of leather usually carries a higher price tag.

    My biggest concern on leather is always what to do if it tears. And there are things that stain leather (like pen ink if you plan on having children that might decide to "decorate"). I don't know if there is any way to "clean" that out of leather.

    My vote is to keep looking until you find something you're very sure about. My guess is you want this thing to last you at least 10 years so hopefully it'll be something you really love.

    Good luck!

  4. I don't know how you feel about IKEA, but they have a corner couch that's a sleeper, too. My bro-in-law has it, and I really was impressed in it as a couch and a bed. It's a bit smaller than this sectional, which might be good for your house. . .
    Check it out, even for the idea. .

  5. Thanks for the suggestions!

    Marianne, I have looked at IKEA sectionals, b/c they are so affordable, but they don't have the 'wedge' piece that I want. Ross & I are going shopping this weekend, so we'll see what we can find :)

  6. We LOVE our sectional! We have microfiber and though the cushions are attached, it's so easy to "wash" with a wet rag! I don't love the look of my big brown sectional, but we chose it for the comfort level. My only thought about that couch (love the wedge idea) is that the back looks wrinkly which might not look the best, but I can't tell from the photo.
