...until camping! :) :) :)
I'm so excited!! I got together all of our camping stuff last night, preparing for our 3-day weekend down at OhioPyle. And look at the forecast:

Even though Friday isn't ideal, you really can't ask for better weather than that :) I'll just hope that it rains all day Friday and then stops when we leave after work for camping. I still have so much to do tonight to get ready for camping ....pack clothes, bake (which I haven't done in MONTHS and am ecstatic to bake in my new kitchen!!), switch cars since my mom is lettting us take her SUV for more space, and pick up Ross' cornhole set from his parents house where it's been stored for quite some time (which we can finally store in our own house now!). I can't wait to see all of my friends. I think we're all guilty of having hectic schedules and not seeing eachother enough, especially Ross & I since we've been so unavailable working on the house night & day. But that phase is finally over and I'm ready to catch up with my fantastic friends.
Let the festivities begin!
I am so glad we get to see you guys this weekend. I feel like I've dropped the ball on calling to see how you guys have been settling into the new house but you hit it on the nail when you said everyone's been pretty busy. Hopefully I can hear all about it this weekend :) Safe travels and see you tomorrow!!!!