Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Woe Is Me
So you will never find me turning down a box of chocolates during the holiday season! I see chocolate and just gravitate towards it, and indulge :)
You can imagine my excitement when I saw a gift from my boss sitting on my desk this morning when I walked into work, and I knew from it's precise size and weight that it was certainly a box of Chocolates :) This is all a little sad, right?! You'd think that I'd have better things to do at work then shake & weigh the wrapped present.
BUT I couldn't wait an entire day to open them, knowing they were waiting for me, so I secretly unwrapped it under my desk, tore off the plastic wrap....
Only to find....
A box full of COCONUT chocolate!!
Oh nooooo...what a way to ruin all the goodness inside :( I hate coconut. More than I hate vegetables. More than I hate Walmart! Boo hoo hooo. What an awful morning. Please mourn with me....
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I feel odd though, like we just signed away our life. Well, ok, we pretty much DID sign away our life. Is that a good thing?! O well, I can't wait to start fixing up our ugly house! We'll be getting some plumbing and electrical work done first, and maybe get some estimates on new windows. But after that, let the creative juices flow :) Stay posted over on This House Our Home.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
New Blog
This House Our Home
We are so excited and eager to start making changes to our house that we thought we'd let you join us for the ride. Or perhaps I'm just going all blog happy and can't get enough blogging! Or talking about myself. Anywho! I hope you check it out. We close on the house in t-minus 5 days!
And please bear with us as we're using Wordpress for our new blog and I feel completely illiterate trying to figure out how to use it! You can thank Ross for making that decision :)
Let the DIY begin!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Christmas Is Coming
Anyway....Merry Christmas. I promise our Christmas Cards will be coming soon! No worries if you didn't send us one though b/c of the temporary address change! If I were more prepared I would've sent our cards out early so everyone could have our address.... o well. There's always next year :)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Disney World Blues...
Besides the sickness putting a damper on our vacation, the weather has been REALLY cold! We definitely weren't prepared for it, and had to run to Target Monday night to buy scarves, gloves & hats, which I've worn all week. Sure, it beats Pittsburgh and their highs of 27 degrees, but surely we weren't expecting this for Florida!
Anyway, I could keep going on and on about what's gone wrong with our vacation. It certainly hasn't been the best, but I'm still happy we're here, and that I wasn't so sick that I was bedridden. I enjoyed most of the rides, ate lots of good food, and now, it's finally getting warmer outside! I probably won't have to wear my underarmor today :)
Welp, it's a shame that we finally had a whole week off of work, to only be sick for most of it. O well. I might actually be ready to end this vacation in 2 days.....
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Dreams Come True
But, I'm so lucky to be going to the happiest place on earth in just 4 days, with warmth and sunshine to spare :)
Can you guess where?!
It's the place where all your dreams come true.....

Yup, it's DISNEY WORLD!! I'm so excited! I was there 2 years ago with a few of my girlfriends (which I can't help smiling everytime I reminisce about that trip! Dinosaur ride anyone?! haha) and now Ross & I are going with his family for a whole week. Ross' parents are uber-devoted to Disney World, they have a timeshare and go almost every year to see the different holidays at Disney. Ross & his brother only go every few years, but even that is too much for them. I tell ya, if Ross wasn't so sick of Disney World (yes, I know, it breaks my heart that he would admit such an awful thing!), I woulda asked to go there on our honeymoon and wear matching mickey & minnie ears all week! A girl can dream, right?!
And here's the amazing hotel we're staying at.....

Jealous?! Yup, thanks. It even has an awesome boat that shuttles you to Epcot! It's going to be total bliss to have a full week off of work, but also to be in Disney World in December to see all their Christmas decorations and enjoy weather in the mid-70's. Just a week of pure relaxation :) You know the last time I had a whole week off from work?! 2 years ago, for my wedding & honeymoon! It's certainly been too long.....
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
- Ross, who is my best friend and more
- Dakota, she's quite amusing, she makes me laugh everyday
- Our families, for always being there
- Our amazing friends, who also support us through good times & bad
- My job
- On that note, I'm thankful for getting laid off at the beginning of the year from my old job, as hard as it was, it was a blessing in disguise
- Ross' unending determination to succeed in his field
- Ross' & my ability to live frugally, or at least try to, and not be ashamed
- The purchase of our first house!
- As much as I complain about my car not having power windows or locks, I love my car for the mere fact that it is paid off and gets me from point A to point B
Ok, so I can go on and on about what I'm thankful for. I pray everyday that God never let us take for granted for what we DO have. We try to live simply and not beyond our means, and even though we may not be rich, or have everything our heart desires, or even the money to furnish our new home, I'm so thankful for what we DO have, and that's what I focus on. That's what makes me happy. And what's more important in life than being happy?!
Alright, this is all pretty sappy. Sorry. I've always been picked on in my family for the sappy emotions, but sometimes, you need to just sit back and realize how lucky we all are. Even with the struggles we all go through.
And the struggles you get through today will teach you a good lesson for tomorrow :)
Or maybe give you something to laugh about 10 years down the road. I can just picture it now, Ross & I in our new home, with 1 ugly red sofa and 1 coffee table, and 1 tv in our huge new living room, b/c we can't afford to buy any additional furniture to furnish our new house. HA! O dear....
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
A Surprise Birthday

Friday, November 5, 2010
Our house closing is keeping us busy. One tiny problem after another! I'll be grateful if we make it to closing :) And I can just see the dollar signs adding up, one little problem after another = a sum here & there to get it fixed! joy. I'll be happy if we have any money left in the bank when everything is said and over with!
Other than the house, I'm realizing how quickly Xmas is coming upon us! EEK! I haven't even started to THINK about christmas shopping...and for that, I blame my sister. She normally likes to brag about how she has all her shopping done before Halloween, but she is late this year! Therefore, I am extremely late b/c no one has reminded me that it is November already! I have to start my Xmas letter, buy Xmas cards, think of Xmas presents, make my own gift tags (b/c I'm a dweeb) etc. etc. etc. Christmas is stressful, as much as I love the holiday spirit, all the gift buying and preparation is just a bit too much for me to handle! Can you tell how stressed I am by all the exclamation points I've used!! What a grammatical catastrophe! sorry. PERHAPS I SHOULD JUST TALK IN ALL CAPS....ha, ha, sorry, little inside joke with the fam :)
So tell me, am I the only one who didn't realize that Christmas is only 51 days away!!! That's right! ..... I hope you also experienced a mini-heartattack much like myself :) Happy Holidays!
Monday, November 1, 2010
House Closing Progress
Overall, the outcome of the inspection was better than we expected (but remember, our expectations were not high to begin with!). We knew we were walking into a house that needed repairs, especially a lot of cosmetic repairs. But we're ok with ugly. Remember how much I dreamed about owning an ugly house to fix-up and make our own?! Ross is even so excited, that he's helping me build a new blog where we can document all the work we do on the house :) (more to come on that later!) After all, we're just 2 normal homebuyers that know zilch about home repairs, so we were braced for any surprises!
The home inspection basically stated that we need to update some electrical work (the breaker box was the original from the house built in 1956, receptacles need to be rewired, etc.), some plumbing issues need to be resolved (a few leaky pipes, bathroom sink and shower don't work, etc.) and a few other issues. Basically, everything Ross & I had already talked about wanting (and needing!) to fix as soon as we get our hands on this house, were in the report, so it came as no surprise.
So now that the most anticipated step is over with, we are ecstatic and still moving forward with the purchase of this house. Hopefully now it's smooth sailing until the December 20th Closing Date :)
Friday, October 29, 2010
Meet my Little Friend....
I'm electing him as my cubicle mascot! Good ol' Harry just chillaxin' all day like it's his job. No worries. No chores. Just being all awesome up in my cubicle biz-nat.
And you wanna know why I named him Harry? B/c he is not hairy at all...ha... hA! But I like to call him Harold. Much more sophisticated. Dont'cha agree? And I call him a 'he' becuase he is ugly. And ugly girls do NOT exist... at least according to those Dove commericals. All girls are beautiful in their own way :) Therefore, I come to the conclusion that ALL stink bugs must be guys! ta ta til next time...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Out with the Red, In with the New
Monday, October 25, 2010
An Overdue Celebration
This is before dinner, before the sun had completely set.
as this was the 5th photo taken before I got a decent shot! ha
We requested a table by the window so we had the breathtaking view of downtown Pittsburgh at night in all it's 'lit-up' glory :) It was beautiful. Dinner was great too! Ross took advantage of their specialty by ordering anything 'seafood' from the menu while I stuck with crab cakes for dinner (it was either that or a steak since I don't eat fish!). For dessert, we had a Neopolitan Cheesecake (or as I like to call it, "Napoleon" :) It was a great night out, and even though I really don't care to get all dressed up to go was a nice change. But what can I say.... our 1-year Wedding Anniversary was celebrated with Pizza & a pitcher of Beer at one of our favorite pizza places, Sir Pizza :) Now THAT's my kind of celebration!! We are so "high-class"....
In case anyone is curious, there always seems to be one more obstacle with the house, but it's all coming along. All utilities are turned on as of yesterday. The bank paid the water company the outstanding charges, so that's squared away. NOW we've found out that we need a plumber to come light the water heater and de-winterize the house (which we were all unaware that the house was winterized to begin with!!). Luckily for us I have a family of plumbers and have them coming out Thursday morning, before the home inspection at 3:00 :) Ross & I are anxious to hear how the inspection goes..... by this point I don't think that there's too much that can take us by surprise! Or I possibly just jinxed ourselves! Adios til next time....
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Scaredy-Cat (And no, not our mailbox)
Here's what happens when people are mean to me on the phone:
"Richland Water, how can I help you?"
"Yes, I'm calling to see if I can get the water turned on, at a house my husband & I are in the process of buying."
"What's the address?"
"6100 ******** Lane"
"Well that house has delinquent charges and we are NOT turning the water on until they are paid."
*I'm all bug-eyed and shocked*
SHE YELLED AT ME! It may not sound mean, but she said that last sentence in a very rude tone. So the best way I can cope is to just hang up! HA.
So now we've found out that there is a Water Lien against our future home, and we're trying to square that away, before the Home Inspection. I guess its just one step at a time.
Here's to still hoping we survive and can reconcile anything that goes wrong along the way :) I REALLY want this house, so I don't want anything to stand in my way.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Home Sweet Ugly Home
Before I get ahead of myself, maybe I should brief you on the house a bit. Here's a picture of our future abode (if everything goes according to plan, I'll get to that later!):
Isn't it so Frank Lloyd Wright-ish?! It's so unique, so lovely, so much potential!
And here are a few more pics:

This room comes off of the entryway when you walk in the front door. I think we'll make this a 'den.' Straight ahead is the kitchen and to the left of this room is the sunk-in living room.
Here's a good view of the living room. You can ignore my weird face :) Again, we have so many projects in mind for this room! Stay tuned...
LAST BUT NOT LEAST...... Our mailbox!!............
But let's go back to how this all began, and the roller coaster it's been and going to be:
Monday night, we sat down with Stephanie and put our offer in. Since it's a foreclosure, there are a lot of loopholes to get through. Things that normally the seller would help you out with, won't happen, since there is no seller, just a bank, who doesn't care a rat's toot about us! A lot of things are falling on us to handle, BUT we got such a great DEAL from it being in foreclosure that we just couldn't say NO.
Now it's time to pay to turn all the Utilities back ON, and get the home inspection. This is where our real anxiety kicks in, b/c the house is being sold "as-is," anything that they find wrong with it, is up to us to fix or we can exit the contract completely. So keep your fingers crossed nothing major needs fixed. IF we get through all the necessary steps, our closing date will be Dec. 20th. Can anyone say "Merry Christmas to Us!!" :) Until then, I'll keep you posted....
Monday, October 18, 2010
Dakota + Acorn = A Weinerful Time
Perhaps you shouldn't give small objects to little dogs....they tend to try to eat things when they are finished playing with it, almost like children?! Probably better we learn this lesson now before we have kids.....
Monday, October 11, 2010
Dream House
Anyways, I'm trying not to lose my mind thinking about the house-hunt, but it's hard not to. At least I can reassure myself that every month we DON'T find a house, is another month of saved money. So, I know I just have to be patient & our time will come, and Ross & I will find a house we both feel lucky to buy :)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
House Hunting = Blah
We met with the same agent Stephen & Betsy used to buy their townhouse, and got the ball rolling (we also graduated with her, and thought it would be nice to use someone we knew).
Here are a few things we quickly realized:
- We're poor & were pre-approved for VERY little
- We cannot afford to live in Allegheny County
- We grew up spoiled in dang ol' Pine-Richland....and for this I blame our parents!
So far, we've eliminated the 11 possibilities that matched our "criteria." On a side note, Ross & I ARE looking for a fixer-upper, so we are trying to keep an open mind. An ugly house will not scare us away :) Now we are quickly realizing how long of a process this may be. Even our lowest standards seem to be asking too much. Of course, we weren't expecting to buy a house tomorrow, but now that we've started, I am growing impatient! So let's take a look at a few of the 'options' we were handed!.....
This "beauty" has a ton of things missing that we want. First, it only has 2 bedrooms. Second, it has no garage or even space to build a detached garage. Third, the yard is small! I can keep going, but trust me on this one. It wouldn't even be worth anything for the money we would have to put into it to make it liveable. It's OUT!
Another option. This one literally sat right on 228, a busy highway. I can just picture Dakota running RIGHT into the street, even WITH an electric fence. And there was no backyard. I think finding a yard I like will be my greatest challenge! I can't help it when I grew up with TONS of privacy :)
Lastly, I have a HUGE pet peeve with realtor's who can't even update the listing pic when the seasons change....aka Snow vs. No-Snow. I'm not asking for much. And obviously if this has been on the market since last winter, there's something wrong with it. We did a drive-by just in case, and it's also right on a main highway, and the road is at the same level as the roof of the house! It was an awful drop-off.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
How to Disturb your Brother In One Easy Conversation
In Stephen's truck
Stephen's cell phone starts to ring
Stephen looks at his phone...."Oh, it's mom"
(answers phone)
Stephen: "Hello?"
Mom: "Hey, I forgot to ask Kristin when we were together at lunch, but does she need anything from Costco's? I'm running there right now."
Stephen to Kristin: "Do you need anything from Costco's?"
Stephen to mom: "Ew, gross, I guess she needs Tampons." *laughing*
Mom: *laughing*
Mom to Stephen: "Gee Steve, do you need any tampons?!"
Stephen to Mom: "No, no, I'm fine. But apparently Kristin does." (still disgusted yet laughing at the awkward situation happening in his "manly" truck)
Stephen to Kristin: "I thought maybe you were kidding and just saying that to gross me out."
Kristin: "Nope, nope, I'm serious. I really do need tampons."
Stephen to Mom: "I'm just going to assume you know which brand b/c this conversation has already been disturbing enough."
Mom: *still laughing* "Yeah, I'm good. I know which ones. Thanks Stephen!"
(hangs up phone)
Stephen to Me: "Alright then ....*pause*...... lunch was fun, I think it's time for you to be dropped off."
(pulls up to my work)
Kristin: *HAHAHA* "BYE!!"
*hops out of truck*
***THE END***
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Jury Duty & Other Fun Happenings...
I was called in for Jury Duty last Tuesday, and to my dissapointment, was selected for a trial. So I was downtown Wed. and Thursday as well. Luckily, all of my bosses understood, and were happy I did justice & put a bad guy in jail :) Let's just say this guy was a CREEP! I had all good intentions, and did NOT want to put anybody in jail....but once we gave our 'Guily' verdict (after concluding the DNA evidence was too hard to ignore), we were given some extra information that we were not allowed to know about beforehand, and apparently this was his 3rd conviction!! For the same thing! So I count myself as being productive last week :)
Saturday, Ross & I headed out to the Pirate's game with my friends Ang & Mike, who had Box Seats, thanks to Mike's parents who had won the tickets :) I felt very spoiled. Especially since our box had a flat screen tv, and we were able to watch the preseason Pen's game while trying to also pay attention to the Pirate's game. Nothing like multi-tasking! After the game, O.A.R. performed. I was loving it!!! I've only recently begun listening to them, but Ross has always been a huge fan. And we didn't even know they were performing until a few days prior, so it made going to the game that much more fun! Aside from the chilly weather, and Ross not thinking to bring a jacket, we had a great night!
Sunday was a nice Pedicone cousin outing! HA. We all "watched" the Steeler's win and enjoyed a ton of great food. I like football purely for the social fun of it. But I am excited more for the Penguins :) :) :) and my boy Malkin to be back!!
Anyways, my plans for this weekend are up-in-the-air. Should I go camping myself with a few friends since Ross is all "camped-out?" Or stay home and hang out with Ross and avoid driving 2.5 hrs. each way (by myself) to the campground? I've asked Ross what he would do to convince me to stay home, and he said "Olive Garden." Hmmm....tough life choices, HA! What to do?! what to do?!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Camping Extravaganza
As for our camping trip, we had quite a few people that were able to make it. Other than our good friends Ang & Mike, our friend Kris, and her new b/f, Josh (who we got to grill just a bit, j/k!) were able to make it, Ang's brother and his wife (first-time campers....I hope they enjoyed themselves and join us again in the future!), and a few other friends of Ang & Mike's who Ross & I got to meet for the first time that were really fun to hang out with. I think we had a total of about 12 people?! It was a great group and I look forward to camping with everyone again ...hopefully we didn't scare away any of the newbies :)
As for organizing the trip...thanks Ang!! It always ends up being more work than you think it will be, so I really appreciate all the time and effort she put into this...especially since she's back-to-school and working 10+ hour days!
Ah....time to reminisce. Hopefully we can get out one more time, but I'm not sure Ross is willing. He was already "camped out" a month ago, and I was lucky he enjoyed himself this weekend. So we'll see. I just may have to go stag :)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Finance Conference
I was excited to finally meet a lot of the people that I already correspond with. It always nice to put a face to a name. And it was great to meet some of our Global Controllers from all over the world, a few from Sweden, Japan, China, Germany, Spain, etc. Too bad our dept. won't allow us to plan the Conference in Europe next year :P Now THAT would be awesome, ha.
Anyways, I got home yesterday afternoon after a nasty drive in the pouring down rain, unpacked, did my laundry, and packed again (3rd time in the past 2 weeks! *sigh*) for camping this weekend with a few friends. So far, it looks like no chance of rain all weekend, and beautiful autumn weather!! I love Fall! It's certainly the best time to go camping :) Especially when it cools down at night, and we can hover around a nice campfire, and then snuggle into a sleeping bag. Ah...I'm so excited. Even though I'm not looking forward to another long car ride, it'll still be worth it.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Crazy Week
I've been wanting to update everyone on my weekend at VA Beach with mom and the girls, but alas, this is the first time I've been on here for quite some time. Anyways, I had a great time. Sorry, I don't have any pics to share. I've gotten so lazy when it comes to taking pictures. I was a little hesitant about going on the trip, it seemed like such a far drive for only 4 days, but in the end, it was worth it. I enjoyed just chilling by the pool (that did NOT have an ocean, getting some sun (but not too much, I LOVE my new HUGE beach hat :) :) :), and enjoying the great weather we lucked out on (boo-boo-pa-too to you Hurricane Earl)(HA! you just wait, my new phrase is going to catch on soon to everything!). And now I'm extrememly thankful I got some relaxation time in before this crazy work week had begun.
I've been helping plan a Finance Conference at Lakeview Resort in Morgantown, West Virginia since June, and it's coming up next week!!! So last minute details have been taking over my life at work, hence the reason my week has been so hectic. I even SKIPPED my lunch yesterday, eek! As much as I've been enjoying being an "event planner" for this conference, I think it's earned me a few gray hairs. The conference is next week, Monday through Thursday, which I will also be attending to make sure it all runs smoothly. Let's just say, I hope the week goes by fast. I am not one to mingle. Or make new friends. No thanks. I actually enjoy silence, thank-you-very-much. So for me to have to mingle with about 70+ people I've never met (even a few from out of the country....did I mention how AWFUL I am with accents?!?!?), will certainly be a challenge.
Lastly, at least I will have a camping trip coming up the weekend after the conference that will surely get me through the week. I can't wait to see all my friends :) And surely Ross will miss me after I'm gone for 4 days?! ...*ahem*....maybe. Did I mention how much he enjoyed me being gone over Labor Day weekend?! just kidding. Although it WAS nice to have some time apart ....and even nicer to come home to a CLEAN apartment! *gasp*
Friday, August 27, 2010
My Typical Workday
8:30 am: Get into work
8:45 am: Read through new emails
9:00 am: Asked to schedule various meetings w/ 15+ people throughout the end of the year
9:30 am: Send out meeting requests to people for various dates
10:00 am: Realize I scheduled the first mtg. during a weeklong conference that I am indeed attending, but completely forgot about
10:14 am: Re-send meeting request
10:15: Apologize to the 8 emails I received in all of 3 seconds reminding me about the conf. and why I would schedule a mtg. for such date
10:30: Dilemna solved, everyone likes the new date
10:40: Try scheduling another meeting
10:45: Realize there's not ONE SINGLE Conference room available in this entire HUMUNGOUS building during my time slot
10:50: search for new time & date
11:00: Finally find a conf. room I can use
11:05 ADHD kicks in, and I stare at the Facilities guys removing ceiling tiles above my head, to feed a wire down to the other end of the building
11:10: still watching, la dee da
11:20: what is that white foamey stuff in the ceiling?? dust or fire-proof preventatives?? hmm...
11:30: Where did the Facilities guys go, the ceiling tiles are still outta wack
11:45: lunch lunch lunch, food food, num num num...
12:00: Go to lunch w/ Mom since she's shopping in Cranberry today :)
1:00: attempt to work while counting down the hours to my weekend!
yup, a day in the life of me is never boring. Unless it's yesterday, now THAT was a boring day...
Monday, August 16, 2010
Twilight Fever
Friday night I got the chance to see 4 of my girlfriends, at an impromptu dinner at the Olive Garden :) It was a great start to my weekend! Afterwards, I decided to rent "Remember Me" with Robert Pattinson. You see, I'm a lil' obsessed with him lately, since Michelle's gotten me hooked on the whole 'Twilight' series, and since Redbox was not carrying either of the Twilight movies, I had to make due with what I could. The movie was pretty good, it was a little intense at parts, with a sad ending. But I'm a sucker for "drama" chick flicks.
Saturday I went out to lunch with another friend, did some shopping for fun (aka Target), and then stopped by my dad's birthday clam bake at his friends house to hit up some free food for dinner :) I left just after it started to pour down raining, in order to start my 'Twilight' marathon! I rented the first Twilight, which I saw a few years ago after it just came out. But back then, I didn't know what all the hype was about, and thought the movie was awful. So I decided to re-watch it now that I've read the book, and enjoyed the movie much more. I also rented New Moon, which I had yet to see. It also did not dissapoint, and worth staying up until 1:00 a.m. (yes, I know...I'm old, I have a 'strict' 10:00 pm bedtime during the week and more often than not do I still fall asleep at the same time on weekends! HA!)
Anyway, I'm halfway through Eclipse, and completely and unwillingly obsessed with this series. I don't even like "sci-fi" but I can't put the book down. I can't wait to see how the story ends! If you already know...please don't spoil it!
As for Ross, he had a great time camping with his friends. It's not often that they all get to hang out, so they made the most of it. And they even ended up with good weather. Apparently for now on he is blaming me on when it rains when we go camping. Thanks hun!
All in was great to be home alone and not feel guilty about watching chick flicks all weekend! But I am happy to have my best friend home :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
"Best Wife of the Year" Award
This year, I so kindly planned a camping trip for my husband and all of HIS friends. You see, it started out with all of us wanting to do a camping trip again (like we did 2 years ago). In the end, any of the 'few and far between' girls in his group weren't able to commit, which would leave me alone with 5 guys...camping. So you can understand when I opted out, and insisted they have a "guys" weekend. In the end, I had done all the planning and nagging to get enough people to come, and now I don't even get to enjoy all the effort it was worth. You'd think this was just some kind of ploy to get Ross out of the house for the weekend! Not really, although now I'm wondering if this was somehow a result of my subconcious. But after being sad that I won't be able to enjoy a weekend of camping, I'm kind of looking forward to a weekend of doing nothing :) And having Ross gone for a few days will allow me to take advantage of catching up on all the chick flicks I've missed in the past year! SO...I guess it won't be such a bad weekend after all.
AND I'm *again* awarding myself "Best Wife of the Year" award :)
It's a win-win situation!
Now if only I could get him to take the dog too would be completely and utterly delightful....
AH. who am I kidding?! I love that stinkin' cute weiner dog....
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Happy Anniversary
We went all out and ordered the "4-course dinner for 2," which we were told was the way to go, if eating there. It was great to try every course that they offered! Our first course was a Spinach & Artichoke Cheese Fondue, served with bread for dipping, apple slices and veggies. I was a bit confused how apple slices and cheese fondue go together, which was not one of my favorite combos, but Ross surprised us both by how much he liked it!
Our entree contained a ton of food, like sirloin, chicken, pork, tuna, shrimp, and lobster tail. Sadly, I didn't really enjoy the entree that much. It was a little disheartening since I don't like seafood, so Ross got the majority of that dish! At least the sirloin was good :) My other favorite part of the meal...dessert! We ordered the milk chocolate fondue, which came with pieces of brownie, pound cake, cheesecake, strawberries and bananas. Simply was delicious.
Lastly, our waitress knew that we were celebrating our anniversary (which was funny when she asked, b/c when we told her, she assumed that we were still dating, since she started to go on about how her and her boyfriend's 1-yr. anniversary was coming up soon!), so she offered us a free celebratory toast of champagne. I wanted to do an *awesome* pic of us linking our arms together and drinking, but Ross would not cooperate. O well...just trying to recreate our wedding toast ....loser.... *ahem* Anywho, moving on..... here is our *un-awesome* toast pic....
Even though we decided that we will probably not eat there again, we had a great night out and a great experience! I DO want to note though that we decided to forgo gifts this year in order to do a "nicer" dinner, in case any of you were wondering how we could splurge on a more expensive restaurant. Unlike last year, where we celebrated at Sir Pizza :) THAT, is the way to girl's heart!
Happy 2 Years Ross :)
Monday, July 26, 2010
All Work, No Play
This weekend, we got out again with my friend Ang and her boyfriend Mike, to a new campground along the Maryland/PA border. Since they reside in Bethesda, MD, we were trying to find a campground at the halfway point, and I think this particular campground was the best we could find. It was called Hidden Springs Campground, right by Rocky Gap State Park, which was beautiful, and nestled in the PA mountains. It took us about 2 1/2 hrs. to get there (a bit too far if it were just me & Ross) but perfect for meeting in the middle. The campground itself was nice, once Ang & Mike explored and found a good site.
They got there a few hrs. before me & Ross, so they were in charge of checking out our site to see if A) it was wooded and shaded, B) if it was private (to avoid Dakota's insistent barking at ppl) and C) away from all the noisy RV's! ha. Well, they were ready to call it a weekend as soon as they got there! To their horror (and ours), our (original) site was located directly across from all the seasonal RV's (aka fake green grass carpet, and an overabundance of tacky lawn ornaments), provided only a few trees for shade (not nearly enough when they were calling for 105 degree weather!) and the sites were very crammed, sitting one on top of the other (I'm sure Dakota would've enjoyed it!). So after making a quick U-turn back to the campground store to inquire about some other sites, they found a perfect site located in the "Tent Area", which by the way, was the only area in the woods. Again, we're not sure why we weren't originally placed there after Ang specifically asked for privacy, woods, shade, lots of room for 2 TENTS, etc. Out of about 15 tent sites, only 2 were already reserved, so they were lucky to have their pick. I was relieved to show up and see that we had everything we had wanted. So after the initial reaction, we loved our site and the campground.
The only con of the whole weekend (besides the heat) were the rules of Rocky Gap State Park. We had anticipated on going swimming at their "beaches" in the lake, but they didn't allow dogs in any of the areas. We had to do a little of our own exploring on the trails to find a spot to get into the water with Dakota, but nothing was sandy except for what they had reserved as the swimming beaches. It's always dissapointing to not be allowed pets, especially when it's such a family-oriented place, and who doesn't treat their dogs like family anymore these days?! So we didn't spend as much time there as we would've liked. Normally, I don't mind putting her in her crate, but in that kind of heat, I didn't want to take the chance.
So overall, we had a great weekend! We can't wait to go back and try out another site that was even better than ours (but already taken). And hopefully next time the heat won't be so bad. After this weekend, I've finally found a flaw with our tent.... it allows NO air circulation! HA. But I still love it.
On a side note.... Happy 2-Year Anniversary to my hubby :) (wow! can't believe it's been 2 yrs. already!!)
Monday, July 19, 2010
Friday night we got together with the whole fam as an excuse to celebrate Michelle's birthday. Did I get a family cookout for my birthday?! NO. But then again, I'm not the queen of the family. ha...just kidding. Ross at least treats me like the princess I am, on my birthday :)
Saturday was nice to be home to get some errands done. I had a few to run with mom, and of course, that always means lunch is included, which I always enjoy! That night, I went out with 2 of my girlfriends to the Pirate's game (which also was Skyblast night!). It was great to get out for an all-girls night, which hasn't happened in ages, and was long overdue. We also enjoyed the fireworks since none of us bothered to see any for 4th of July, so it was a good ending to a great night!
I'm declaring Sunday my laziest day of the week, every week. Every Sunday seems to be exhausting, even if it means doing nothing all day, but just being lazy, like yesterday. Ross & I forced ourselves to go grocery shopping (like we normally do on Sundays) but we were both so tired, and boy, did it seem like a chore. Luckily, we had a great dinner to look forward to when we got home. Betsy had recommended a great way of cooking Ribs, so we were anxious to try it out. We bought some Baby Back Ribs, put them in the oven, at 275 degrees for a total of 2 hours. During the last hour, we intermittingly spread on our favorite BBQ sauce. They were delicious!! By far, one of our best dinners yet :) We also lounged around and watched a few movies, one of which was 'Avatar.' Ross saw it in theatres with the 3D effects, but I was still curious about all the hype and wanted to see it for myself, even if I didn't get the effects. But I have to admit, it was actually pretty good, after procrastinating to watch it for so long, but was a bit long. Maybe just b/c it ran past my 10:00 bedtime! So needless to say, I am tired today, ha!
So, the weekend was great, with good weather too. Let's hope we can have another sunny weekend since we'll be camping next weekend again. Nothing like camping in the rain when it's calling for scattered thunderstorms all week :( Finger's crossed!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Cooper's Lake Campground
Friday I got out of work at 4:00 in anticipation of Ross already being home from work, and having the car packed and ready to go by the time I got home. Well, didn't we jinx ourselves. Not only did Ross not get home until I did, but it also started to pour as soon as we were getting ready to pack the car. It was raining pretty badly all day, but it seemed like it would rain for 10 min.'s, then stop, then start again, etc. So I decided we should just try to wait it out again rather than packing the car in the rainstorm and rushing to get to the campground only to sit in the rain some more. Surely it would stop. WRONG! 5:00 rolls by, still pouring (and I remind you, this was not just a drizzle). 6:00 rolls by, Ross falls asleep on the couch, and I finally turn the tv on since staring out the window doesn't seem to be doing any good. Finally, 7:00 rolls by and I wake Ross up. We need to make a decision - either we go now, or don't go at all, b/c by the time we pack and get up there, we're going to be setting up in the dark. We decide to finally pack up the car, in the rain, and get on the road (after changing into dry clothes!). I was checking the weather religously and it looked like the storm would be stopping soon up north, so hopefully it'll be done raining by the time we get there.
Luckily, the campground was only 30 min.'s north of Cranberry, so it was a short drive. We stopped at Burger King for dinner so we wouldn't have to worry about making a fire if it was still raining. We got to the campground around 8:15 pm, with the rain having finally stopped, which, only minutes prior, I was freaking out b/c I thought I rememberd hearing that the office closed at 8:00 pm, and since they didn't take reservations, we would have no way of checking-in. Well, lo and behold, they were open til 9:00 pm, *relief*, so we checked in. We wanted to drive around first to check out the campground, but the lady assured me there were plenty of spots, and to just drive around until we find an area we liked, and camp there, so I went ahead and paid. Well, we drove around. And drove. And drove. One area was complete mud from the rain. No thanks. We drove to another area, but were confused b/c we couldn't tell where the sites were (since they weren't marked). We'd find, what we thought would be a site, but would be missing a picnic table. Then we'd find another nice site, but it's missing a fire ring. Again, and again. What's the deal?! So after driving around the entire campground twice, we had to make the call. Stay or leave? Well, I said, let's drive around one more time. Surely, there has to be *somewhere!* that has a nice spot with both a fire ring AND a picnic table! And I felt bad that I already made the decision to pay and probably couldn't get our money back. So by this point, we just wanted to find a spot, ANY spot. Finally, in the very back of the campground, we found a site. Now it was 8:48 pm and getting dark, especially since we're camping in the woods. AND, we still have to buy firewood if we wanted to build a fire that night, before the store closed at 9:00! So we unloaded the trunk at our site, literally throwing things on the picnic table, trusting it to be safe while we ran to the store (it was, but you can imagine me freaking out the whole time, b/c really, what else could go wrong). We got to the store at 8:58 pm, and luckily, were just in time to buy wood.
So Friday night was definitely not what we had in mind. Camping is supposed to be relaxing, not stressful, and not fun when setting up in the dark. At least on Saturday we had the perfect weather! We had some great food, I got to enjoy some time reading and we just relaxed. We brought Dakota along, which drove us crazy. Normally, I like having her around (unlike Ross, who could do without a dog for a weekend), but this time, she just barked at people, ALL DAY, since people were constantly going by our site. I need to get a handle on her, and why she can't just "give up." So besides her, it was a nice weekend. We won't be going back though, b/c the chances of finding the one spot we mildly liked, is slim, since they don't take reservations. We're moving on.
Maybe next weekend we can drive around to a few campgrounds and check them out, now that we have some suggestions from people. Or at the very least, we have Scarlett Knob as our back-up until we find somewhere better :)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The Search is on...
Anyways, if you know of some nice campgrounds for tenting, please share! Me & Ross are willing to try something new, but alas, it's too hard to find campgrounds through web surfing. We love being in the woods with very primitive sites (aka no RV's blasting their a/c's and tv's), hence the reason we love Scarlett Knob Campground (but would like to try somewhere new). So, the search is on...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Ross vs. Dakota
Let me explain. Dakota has one VERY annoying habit. One that Ross & I both hate. One that I always end up giving into...every...time. For whatever reason, Dakota LOVES to "accidentally" throw her toys down a staircase. Now, for the first 1 & 1/2 yrs. of her life, she didn't know how to go down steps (only up, but that's ANOTHER story), so she would have no way to retreive her toy, until me or Ross finally got it. Well, there's a really long staircase in our apt. that leads down to the garage with a door at the bottom, that she refuses to go down. I don't blame her, it's a very long staircase, especially for a weiner dog. BUT, she must enjoy it in some way b/c it's perfect for throwing her toys down. It was funny...the first time ....and even the 2nd ....but not the 3rd. The funniest was her tennis ball, you'd see her playing with it at the edge of the staircase (her own fault) and then you'd hear, bum-bump bump bump bum-bump. ha!
So this is where Ross comes in. He finally put his foot down. He has ordered me to not save her toys this time so she can learn a lesson! (Should I remind him again that we're talking about a dog, and not a child?!) So far, at the bottom of our staircase, we have a tennis ball, a stuffed porcupine, and a stuffed bullet (thanks to Ross' brother, haha). SO....I guess we're going to count how many toys Dakota can get down there until the battle is won. I'm not sure how Ross win's...I guess until she runs out of toys....surely THEN I can carry them back up!
But I swear, I get in the middle of more of their fights then anyone else in my entire life. Our house is quite the amusement...
Thursday, June 17, 2010
My Hot Dog can Swim...
Ross is still holding her here, getting her prepared for the water....

Anyways, it was hysterical seeing her paddle through that water. I couldn't believe how well she did (of course, she couldn't go long distance or anything like that). But best of all...she dried in about 40 minutes. Did I mention how much I love having a short-haired dog?! Of course, I'm sure it helped when I put her on my lap and she shook it all off on me. O well...I was wet before anyhow :)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Kristin's Working Out? Says who?!?!
Alas, don't be worried though, that was not my main reason for thinking about joining the gym here at Westinghouse. I'm actually desperate....desperate for something to do during my lunch break! As most of you know, I work with colleagues who like to take "working lunches" almost everyday, and eat at their desks. THIS is not ok with me.... I'm going stir-crazy sitting at my desk 8.5 hrs. everyday. I used to enjoy reading a book during my lunch break, at my last job, but's different. There's nowhere I can really go to not feel like a social outcast by sitting alone on my lunchbreak....ha! So, I've been dragged down to taking a "working lunch" as well. BUT NO MORE! Not me! I need to get away for a bit!
So why not join the gym and try out a few of their classes they offer during lunchtime?! Why, that's not a bad idea. Of course, the pure thought of even being present in a gym scares the bigeesus outta me. But I need to get over that fear....especially since I can't even fit in my wedding dress from only 2 years ago! Eek! Of course, Ross had to point out that I'll be all stinky and sweaty after working out, but their locker room is very nice. Nice showers, supplied with shampoo, soap, and even towels. SO, I think I'll face that fear too and get a quick shower after working out. Unless I'm only mildly stinky...then maybe I can opt out :P
Anyways, tomorrow is my first day of my week-free trial basis. After that, I can get the rest of June for free if I sign up for 6 months...quite a commitment! So, wish me luck. Tomorrow is Spinning class.....geesh, just kill me now....
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
3-Days Too Little
This past weekend was mine & Ross' camping trip with my 2 closest girlfiends and their boyfriends, at a campground near Ohiopyle, which we've all been to before. First off, the weather was nothing short of PERFECT! Nice & sunny, upper 70's/low 80's (but cooler since we camp in the shaded woods), and not a single drop of rain (even though it was calling for thunderstorms Friday night, it somehow missed us). So I guess for scoring such a great weekend, I won't be allowed to complain if we get one rainy weekend of camping later in the season, I guess it's a fair trade?!
Our white-water rafting trip on Saturday was a lot of fun. The best part?! Me NOT falling out of the raft. We all had a great time, and our guide even called us an athletic bunch :) I'll group myself into that category since I was there, even though I'm the least athletic person you'll ever meet! I have so many great stories and memories from that trip, it was so exciting to try something new. Our guide was also perfect for us, he was about our age, and had a ton of experience, so we got a lot of individual rafting time rather than being grouped in with the other 8 rafts who all stuck together. We were also always first into the rapid, or last, depending on whether our guide had to help guide the other rafts through (giving us time to relax on shore and watch the other rafts go through the rapids).
Sunday we explored and walked around the little town of Ohiopyle, checked out the natural waterslide and relaxed on the riverbank. I actually managed to get a little sun on my shoulders....look at me catching up to my Mexican-colored husband!! (haha)
Other than that, we played a little cornhole, phase 10 and Skipp-o, drank a little beer, and ate a LOT of great food. It was the perfect way to relax on a long weekend, and I wouldn't have had it any other way :) I can't wait til our next outing, that has yet to be planned.
But for now, Ross & I have our next camping trip to look forward to in 2 weeks, with Stephen & Betsy, Michelle & Mike, and mom & dad. We're trying out a new campground, about 30 min.'s from Ohiopyle, where we get to tent along the river. Should be great! Or maybe that's when mother nature will make me pay my dues for last weekend's sunny weather....
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Weekend blabbering
Other than work keeping me busy, Ross & I are looking forward to camping in a few weeks w/ some of our closest friends. We're taking advantage of memorial day weekend to camp, and we're going to try out white-water rafting for the first time.... I can't wait! It's def. the one thing I can look forward to that's getting me through my 1st month of work! So that should be fun and hopefully we have nice weather. Oh...and if anyone has suggestions about what is best to wear for white-water rafting, please do tell! I'm kind of at a loss....
Besides that, no new updates. Everything is calm and back to normal at the Seibert household, now that I'm back to work and Ross is keeping busy landscaping. Of course, he's back on the job hunt after taking a break for awhile, so hopefully he hears something soon. I know he's anxious to be out of the heat all day and have his back feeling normal again!
Friday, May 7, 2010
5 days down...Infinite to go...
Tuesday was a different story. It was my first official day in my job. I was shown my workspace, met a few of my coworkers, and then thrown to the wolves. Literally. The conversation went a little like this:
me: "So who exactly will be training me?"
manager: "oh, funny you should ask. We actually don't have anyone to train you."
me: *speechless* *dumbfounded* *shocked* "ummmm....ok"
So .....the rest of the day was basically a blur of trying to get settled in, yet having no clue what I should be doing, what I might be doing in the future, etc. Wednesday was basically the same story, but with work actually given to me. I think I had 3 panic attacks, and 2 hours of being on the verge of tears. Sadly, I'm not exaggerating.
Thursday, I guess they finally decided they needed someone to help me out (since I only mentioned it a few hundred times!). One of the admin.'s from another floor came up to help me get started...I mean, the security at this place is so ridiculous, I couldn't even DO work if I had wanted. I had no clue how to get any of my usernames, passwords, etc., etc., etc. And every time I tried asking for help, they'd tell me to call the helpdesk, who would reply "oh, just contact your admin...she should know." I AM THE ADMIN.!!! ugh. this was going no where. Once I met with the admin. on Thursday morning, things were going a lot smoother. For one thing, I could finally log into the xerox machine to make a copy! Wahoo...progress. Friday was also a surprisingly good day. I got some work, had a lot of questions (but at least I knew who to go to for help) and got a few things accomplished. I even had a 'group' lunch with a few people in my department.
Overall, I'm ecstatic for the first week to be over with. It's always the worst, even if you try to prepare for it, you can't. So my motto for now, which is proving to be true so far, "every day will be better than the last." Maybe that's why I liked my old job so much, b/c I was there for so long, I knew what I was doing. I liked knowing the answer when someone would ask me a question. So I know that if I give Westinghouse a chance, I'll probably like it just as much.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Farewell Old Friend...
Ross & I got engaged while living there and married the next year:

We brought home Dakota to that apartment. She was my first dog (aside from family pets, that don't count) that I had to beg and beg Ross to allow me to get. Of course, I had wanted a pug all along, but we had compromised & settled on a miniature dachshund. Now I could officially call us a "family."

We also hosted our very first party with all of our friends on New Year's Eve 2008. It was a blast and one to remember :)

Even though 3 years may not sound like a lot of time, it's amazing how much has changed! I can't wait to see what the next 3 years holds for us. We hope to own our first house in the next 3 years, and I hope to see us both working full-time jobs that we love and in the careers we had seen for ourselves. Maybe that is asking too much, but you can't have what you don't strive for. So here's a toast to the future and remembering old times :)