Friday, March 11, 2011

Loves of Life

I'm in a much cheerier mood today, so I'm reverting to writing a much more positive post today! Things that I LOVE :)

1. Steroids. And pain killers. Let's just call them miracle drugs 0:) You can thank them for my good mood today. And me not feeling ANY pain today....whoo whooooo. I slept a blissful 12 hours last night, catching up on all the sleep I've been losing due to all the pain I've been in, the throbbing leg, the aching back, and not being comfortable in general. But after starting another (and 3rd attempt) steroid pack, life is blissful.

2. Snow. Ok, ok, I'm as tired as the next person when it comes to this cold and dreary weather, but as much as we are all sick and tired of snow, it never gets old to see the snow blanketed on all the trees. It's a Winter Wonderland out our way, and it sure is beautiful. AND the roads are clear....take THAT mother nature :) The best of both worlds.

3. Physical Therapy. Hopefully they can get me all fixed up. The neurosurgeon is a big-meany head and scared the *bejeesus* outta me yesterday by saying that he thinks I will need surgery! Yikes! So I cried and called my mommy, and she made it all better like when she would kiss my boo-boo when I was a kid (to this day, I thought she made up the word boo-boo b/c I was a kid and it was a cute word. Then I finally realized that that's just what they are called!). Anyway, my dad & I are confident that we can beat this thing with the right drugs and Physical Therapy, so surgery will be my absolute last resort! Take THAT big meany-head doctor.

4. Fridays. Ah, yes, who doesn't love Fridays?! It certainly puts a pep in my step :)

5. Talking to my best friend about her wedding planning details! It brings back those fond memories of my own wedding like it was just yesterday, but it's so much more fun to be on the other side of things this time. I can't wait to start shopping for dresses and see all the fun details come together! Especially now that I realize all the hard work that goes into all the little things.

6. My hubby :) Especially after dealing with me through these times and not complaining about it. Just the occasional nicknames, like 'grandma,' 'slow poke,' etc. *Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.* :P

That's all for today. Hope you are also having a cheerful day and a great weekend!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gripes about Life

1. Me, walking slower than a turtle. It's ok though. I think it was God's way of telling me to slow down. But don't get me wrong, as soon as I'm back to normal, I'll be back to my 'fast-paced walking' self again!

(are you sick of hearing about my broken back yet?? Yes?!? well TOO BAD! mwahaha.)

2. "If you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all." Remember that saying from, like, Full House?! Yep, I still abide by it, or at least try my hardest to (or I just say things to myself only instead). I just wish more people would follow this. Humph. Especially when it's something as stupid as "Well I wouldn't have picked THESE paint colors." Did anyone ask you for your opinion!??! Ok, maybe I did, but can't you lie?! Because in the end, once the house is FINALLY decorated, you'll change your mind and say how great it all looks. Just like everything else.

3. People that are so focused on helping, helping, helping(!) that they forget that most of the time, we don't NEED help, but more importantly, SUPPORT. It would be nice to hear more words of encouragement, rather than them focusing on all things that are wrong in YOUR life. Especially when WE are happy! So why should they care?! Focus on your OWN life and leave ours alone.

4. An un-ergonomically designed chair. I can't get comfortable. Which I blame for my crabby mood behind this post :)

5. Cold weather. We're halfway thru March, and I'm counting down the days to Spring :) More importantly, I'm counting down the days to camping season and relaxing with great friends around a campfire, roasting marshmallows!

6. Not knowing if the title of this post makes sense. I think 'gripes' is the correct word. Or is it just a word I made up?! I do that a lot -- make up my own words -- and then Ross corrects me. And then I keep using my word anyway because I like my new made-up word!

7. Running out of things to complain about for today. I'm sure there will be something else, but for now, that's all I've got!

Thanks for reading :) TGI-almost-F!

Friday, March 4, 2011

All I Really Need to Know I learned in Kindergarten

An excerpt from the book titled above that I've been reading. Made me laugh. Enjoy :)

"Transportation is much the topic of the day. You’ve noticed. Our devotion to the car is worshipful. Eric Berne called it the cocktail-party pastime game, “General Motors.”

Despite what you hear, it’s not really a matter of economics. It’s an image issue. In America, you are what you drive. Go out in the garage and look. There you are.

Well, my old hoopy has joined the cripples on the edge of the herd. And a new vehicle (image) is in order.

The silver-gray Mercedes with glove-leather everything really felt like me. The bank did not really think it felt like me to them. The shiny black BMW motorcycle with sidecar kind of felt like me. My wife did not think it felt like her—especially the sidecar part. The Land Rover with gun rack and shooting top felt like me. But there are so few game-covered veldts around town now. The VW Rabbit is Consumer Reports’ choice, but a Rabbit I am just not. If they had named it the VW Walrus or the VW Water Buffalo, I might go for it. The Chrysler Coupe de Coupes de Coupes won’t do, either. Who wants to be an anachronism?

One of my students suggested putting all my money into drugs. Stay home and take all the trips you want. But that’s not me—you don’t bring back groceries from those trips.

It’s clear that what would be fashionably hip is a fine piece of engineering—something that’s luxurious yet practical, useful, and economical. Like a Porsche pick-up truck that runs on Kleenax. Silver-gray, of course.

What I really want from transportation is not an image but a feeling.

I remember riding home a summer’s eve in the back of an ancient Ford pickup truck, with two eight-year-old cousins for company and my uncle Roscoe at the wheel. We’d been swimming and were sitting on the inner tubes for comfort, and had a couple of old quilts and an elderly dog wrapped close for warmth. We were eating chocolate cookies and drinking sweet milk out of a Mason jar, and singing our lungs out with unending verses of “Ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall.” With stars and moon and God o’erhead, and sweet dreams at the end of the journey home.

Now that’s transportation. The way I like to travel. And that’s me. If you hear of a dealer, let me know."
- Robert Fulghum

Such a random book, but an easy read. And a few good excerpts along the way!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Slow Down! I can't walk that fast....

So here's the latest update about my problem with my back. Last Thursday I was so hopeful that it was healing and that I would be in brand-spanking-new shape in no time. I was feeling great.


Friday and Saturday I was still so sore, and staying on pain meds. Sunday I got a shooting pain down my left leg, some tingling, and my left foot going numb, on and off. Quite annoying. Especially when one tries to walk. It IS interesting, I must say, to walk on a numb foot. Humph.

So on Monday, I came into work, b/c I'm such a good sport about being a good employee *:)* even though my leg was still throbbing and my foot kept going numb. I called my doctor and scheduled an appt. for that afternoon. I even had mom drive me, b/c I was so uncomfortable. After 40 minutes (!) of waiting for the doctor (another annoyance I can't quite understand....I mean, I had an appt....why can't they seem to make it on time?!), she finally came in to give me a look over.

Basically, it comes down to the fact that she thinks I have a herniated disc. Whoopie. So she scheduled me for an MRI on Wednesday, and dosed me up again with a 2nd round of steriods, and more pain killers. Me Like Drugs :)

I haven't seen the results for the MRI yet, but even so, it's not like they can do anything about this, besides Physical Therapy. It all comes down to my spine healing on its on, and the disc going back into place. I feel great today, although I just took a horse-sized pain pill. I'm over trying to be 'holistic' and dealing with the pain on my own. Not worth it.

So I hope that this heals soon. And once it does, I'm all revved up to take better care of myself. More exercise, less sitting during work, drinking more water, etc. All things that are huge contributors to having less back pain.

Go Me! Wrecking my back at the age of 24. Whoot. Whoot.