Friday, March 11, 2011

Loves of Life

I'm in a much cheerier mood today, so I'm reverting to writing a much more positive post today! Things that I LOVE :)

1. Steroids. And pain killers. Let's just call them miracle drugs 0:) You can thank them for my good mood today. And me not feeling ANY pain today....whoo whooooo. I slept a blissful 12 hours last night, catching up on all the sleep I've been losing due to all the pain I've been in, the throbbing leg, the aching back, and not being comfortable in general. But after starting another (and 3rd attempt) steroid pack, life is blissful.

2. Snow. Ok, ok, I'm as tired as the next person when it comes to this cold and dreary weather, but as much as we are all sick and tired of snow, it never gets old to see the snow blanketed on all the trees. It's a Winter Wonderland out our way, and it sure is beautiful. AND the roads are clear....take THAT mother nature :) The best of both worlds.

3. Physical Therapy. Hopefully they can get me all fixed up. The neurosurgeon is a big-meany head and scared the *bejeesus* outta me yesterday by saying that he thinks I will need surgery! Yikes! So I cried and called my mommy, and she made it all better like when she would kiss my boo-boo when I was a kid (to this day, I thought she made up the word boo-boo b/c I was a kid and it was a cute word. Then I finally realized that that's just what they are called!). Anyway, my dad & I are confident that we can beat this thing with the right drugs and Physical Therapy, so surgery will be my absolute last resort! Take THAT big meany-head doctor.

4. Fridays. Ah, yes, who doesn't love Fridays?! It certainly puts a pep in my step :)

5. Talking to my best friend about her wedding planning details! It brings back those fond memories of my own wedding like it was just yesterday, but it's so much more fun to be on the other side of things this time. I can't wait to start shopping for dresses and see all the fun details come together! Especially now that I realize all the hard work that goes into all the little things.

6. My hubby :) Especially after dealing with me through these times and not complaining about it. Just the occasional nicknames, like 'grandma,' 'slow poke,' etc. *Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.* :P

That's all for today. Hope you are also having a cheerful day and a great weekend!


  1. A - it is pretty outside, and the snow is keeping out more chipmunks in my house, so far!
    B - I hope you're back gets better - so I'm praying for you, a lot:)
    C - Fridays are my absolute favorite day of the week! However, I'm usually in bed by 11 from the exhaustion of the whole week.

  2. I'm looking forward to having not only an expert wedding planner, but my best friend/MOH helping me out every step of the way! There are no words to explain how lucky I am to have you as my best friend :)
