Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ross vs. Dakota

They always have a constant battle going. It's exhausting really. You see, when we brought Dakota home, she apparently chose me as her 'one-and-only' favorite person. Apparently, it's a dachshund thing....they attach to one owner, and ignore the rest. So you can see why Ross feels left out in the cold. I don't blame him...we wanted a dog we could both enjoy, and instead, we got a dog that I LOVE, and he basically just accepts, lol. Which puts me in the middle of their ongoing battles....

Let me explain. Dakota has one VERY annoying habit. One that Ross & I both hate. One that I always end up giving into...every...time. For whatever reason, Dakota LOVES to "accidentally" throw her toys down a staircase. Now, for the first 1 & 1/2 yrs. of her life, she didn't know how to go down steps (only up, but that's ANOTHER story), so she would have no way to retreive her toy, until me or Ross finally got it. Well, there's a really long staircase in our apt. that leads down to the garage with a door at the bottom, that she refuses to go down. I don't blame her, it's a very long staircase, especially for a weiner dog. BUT, she must enjoy it in some way b/c it's perfect for throwing her toys down. It was funny...the first time ....and even the 2nd ....but not the 3rd. The funniest was her tennis ball, you'd see her playing with it at the edge of the staircase (her own fault) and then you'd hear, bum-bump bump bump bum-bump. ha!

So this is where Ross comes in. He finally put his foot down. He has ordered me to not save her toys this time so she can learn a lesson! (Should I remind him again that we're talking about a dog, and not a child?!) So far, at the bottom of our staircase, we have a tennis ball, a stuffed porcupine, and a stuffed bullet (thanks to Ross' brother, haha). SO....I guess we're going to count how many toys Dakota can get down there until the battle is won. I'm not sure how Ross win's...I guess until she runs out of toys....surely THEN I can carry them back up!

But I swear, I get in the middle of more of their fights then anyone else in my entire life. Our house is quite the amusement...


  1. Hahaha...that's hilarious...I'm glad Sedona hasn't figured out that game yet (but that's b/c she kills all her toys).

  2. So, who's winning? Your fan club needs an update!
    It was great seeing you last week! See you again at Christmas, hopefully!

  3. Hahaha Dakota brings excitement to your lives... Whether Ross wants to admit it or not :p

  4. Right now, I think Ross is winning. Dakota has dropped another one down, making that 4 toys, but somehow she got her ball back?? Ross must've been in a forgiving mood one day b/c I know I didn't give it back!
