Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Jury Duty & Other Fun Happenings...

What's been going on in my life? Too much and not too much all at the same time.

I was called in for Jury Duty last Tuesday, and to my dissapointment, was selected for a trial. So I was downtown Wed. and Thursday as well. Luckily, all of my bosses understood, and were happy I did justice & put a bad guy in jail :) Let's just say this guy was a CREEP! I had all good intentions, and did NOT want to put anybody in jail....but once we gave our 'Guily' verdict (after concluding the DNA evidence was too hard to ignore), we were given some extra information that we were not allowed to know about beforehand, and apparently this was his 3rd conviction!! For the same thing! So I count myself as being productive last week :)

Saturday, Ross & I headed out to the Pirate's game with my friends Ang & Mike, who had Box Seats, thanks to Mike's parents who had won the tickets :) I felt very spoiled. Especially since our box had a flat screen tv, and we were able to watch the preseason Pen's game while trying to also pay attention to the Pirate's game. Nothing like multi-tasking! After the game, O.A.R. performed. I was loving it!!! I've only recently begun listening to them, but Ross has always been a huge fan. And we didn't even know they were performing until a few days prior, so it made going to the game that much more fun! Aside from the chilly weather, and Ross not thinking to bring a jacket, we had a great night!

Sunday was a nice Pedicone cousin outing! HA. We all "watched" the Steeler's win and enjoyed a ton of great food. I like football purely for the social fun of it. But I am excited more for the Penguins :) :) :) and my boy Malkin to be back!!

Anyways, my plans for this weekend are up-in-the-air. Should I go camping myself with a few friends since Ross is all "camped-out?" Or stay home and hang out with Ross and avoid driving 2.5 hrs. each way (by myself) to the campground? I've asked Ross what he would do to convince me to stay home, and he said "Olive Garden." Hmmm....tough life choices, HA! What to do?! what to do?!


  1. Ross is playing dirty... Olive Garden - BAH! The beautiful fall scenery is a million times better than that!!! (And I love Olive Garden so that's a pretty serious statement!)

    p.s. Pick camping :D

  2. p.p.s. I'll be your bartender!!!!! (I know that comment will win you over) ;)

  3. I love the fact that you'll still go camping even if Ross doesn't want to. Girl power. You go!

  4. I don't think I'm going :( Although Ang being my bartender is always fun!! yet dangerous at the same time :)
