Monday, April 18, 2011

Let the Countdown Begin!

19 days to go until Ross & I finally move-in to our first house! That gives us 3 weeks and 2 weekends to get our to-do list done!! It's going to be another crazy whirlwind of a few weeks of work!

2 weeks ago, life was hectic as I was preparing the house to be painted with my friends the following Saturday. I finished what I needed to do, and painting with my friends last Saturday was a blast! We got the entire master bedroom painted, so the day was a complete success and we felt very accomplished.

After that hectic week though, Ross & I took a break this past week, catching up on some much needed rest.

This weekend, my to-do list was farely light. I touched up paint around the house, painted the kitchen, and finished painting trim.

For Ross though, his to-do list is huge! And I'm praying he can get it done quickly, as long as we get some much needed help from another guy this weekend.

Ross tore down the ceiling in the entryway/den because the old owners had these awful 'office' ceiling tiles up (very similar to the master bedroom ceiling, which we tore down). Then, he tore out all the old ceiling insulation since it was pretty much deteriorated. We bought new insulation (costing us another chunk of $$, ugh!) and are currently stapling that up in the ceiling.

Next, comes the fun part. Ross will need to find another guy to help hang drywall on the ceiling. A tough job since drywall is HEAVY and it's not exactly easy to hang it overhead. So hopefully we can find someone that is free sautrday so he can get that done and I can come in and drywall mud all the seams, sand, mud again, sand, and mud for a third time, and then paint.

AND in between all of this, we need to go carpet shopping and schedule it for installation before we move in!!

Oh, and I guess cleaning the house before we move-in would be smart too. Especially from all of the dust we've created from sanding.

SO even though we knew buying a fixer-upper was gonna be work, it just seems like the to-do list never ends! BUT I remind myself of where we started, and how FAR we've come since then. And I feel a little better :) I'll feel a lot better come May 7th on move-in day!! whew.

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