Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One Small Step

The other day, I read a post on Young House Love about greener ways to clean.  I was intrigued, and by no means, am I "green" person, but I got excited when I read about how cheap it can be.  Basically the jift of the post was, you can clean your whole house with homemade formulas, such as vinegar and water, and save money by not buying those expensive household cleaning products.  And did you ever realize how harmful cleaning products can be?! I sure didn't.  Anyways, I haven't quite tested the waters yet (I plan too once I use up my cleaners!!), but I HAVE purchased an all natural soap that was highly recommended and has awesome reviews, called Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap (fyi, it can be bought at Target).  This soap has so many different purposes, I can't wait to see all of my 18 different cleaners that have only 1 specific purpose to be cut down to just 1! So far, Ross & I have been using it in our handsoap dispensers.  You just fill the soap dispenser a bit with the soap, then the rest with water to dilute it, (since this stuff is as pure as it comes), and voila! have handsoap.  It smells awesome and even works in the foam soap dispenser's that me & Ross love, and I'm thinking it won't dry out my hand's this winter since it's all natural!  And let me tell you, come winter, my hand's are in terrible, dry, cracked condition, yuck.  So any soap to rid me of that is a winner in my book! And I can only imagine how long this stuff will last since you have to dilute it almost any time you use it.  A small bottle will go a long way :)  So far, we haven't tested it anywhere else.  You can also use it as a bodywash, pet shampoo, household cleaner, etc.  I plan to use it in these sorts of ways, but first I have to use up the other products I already have.

Anyways, I know it doesn't take a lot for me to get excited about something, but I really love this stuff! And any way to be greener (and save money!) is a plus to me ....we're slowly coming around :)


  1. From your super-green (or trying to be) cousin:
    Dr. Bronner's rocks. And, it's fun to laugh at the label too! Christoph loves it as his shower wash, and I have to admit- it's good. We use it for everything when we're out in the woods. I should probably use it for everything at home, too, but we do have all the all-natural cleaners already. They work just as good, and I feel good knowing that I'm not adding pollutants to the world.

  2. My mom has this soap and she wants to know how you found out how much to dilute the cleaner for each purpose. She's known about this cleaner since college but said there's no instructions on the bottle she has on how to mix the solution w/ water. Let me know!

  3. So far, for handwash, I read on another blog that you fill up your soap dispenser about 1/4 of the way w/ soap then the rest with water. It feels soapy when you use it, b/c the first time I did it, I didn't use enough soap, and you could tell that it wasn't quite right. For other purposes, like an all-purpose cleaner, the directions say to use a few drops of soap for 2 cups water, etc. so I don't really have to guess. Hope that helps!
