Thursday, December 31, 2009

Soooo over 2009....

Well it's New Year's Eve and I'm ready for this year to end! And it's ending on a sour note. I got in a little riff-raff with another car last night, Cobalt vs. Hyundai, plastic crushing plastic...aka car accident (and I can't exaggerate 'accident' enough)! First off, let's state for the record that my Chevy beat that Hyndai's BUTT!! Anyway, back to the story, I guess you might want to know what happened, eh? Well, before you start blabbing about girl's being horrible drivers *ack...cough* and saying the blonde's can't drive *!!!!!!!!* I would like to say that I am indeed ....wait for it  .....a good driver.  Even if my husband questions this many times throughout his life. 

On to the story, I was headed out to meet a friend for dinner at the Clubhouse (mmmm....lounge fries). The Clubhouse sits on a 4-lane highway (aka Rt. 8) and was on the left side of the road from the direction I was coming.  As I'm approaching where I have to turn, I slow down, have my left turn signal on, and come to stop and wait for approaching traffic coming in the other direction to pass, before I can make my turn.  After a good 5 seconds, I see a clear, 'CLEAR AS DAY, nada comin' my way, not even a gust of wind passing me by' break in traffic for me to make my turn.  As I'm almost pulled into the parking lot, I hear tires SCREACHING, and then BAM WHAM KAPOW! was like a japenese cartoon.... I even saw the words flash before my eyes in sparkly glittery word bubbles :)  APPARENTLY, my CLEAR AS DAY break in traffic was not so, and another guy was coming right towards me, and slammed into the back of my car near the gas tank.  I pulled into the parking lot, as so did the guy that hit me, and we traded information and yada yada yada....all that fun stuff. So now, my Cobalt is bumped and bruised and I won't drive it until it's fixed b/c something feels "off" .....for lack of better car terms.  But the other guy's Hyundai?! Not so pretty.  His front passenger side headlight completely broken, front bumper cracked and falling of the car.  It was pretty ugly. So for now, I'm waiting to here from my insurance company and see what a pretty penny this will cost, besides my insurance rates going UP! But like everyone says, at least no one got hurt....except Cobey :( car.  Yes, I named him....strange, no?!

Moral of the story - Cobalt 1, Hyundai 0   

That's right...sucka! Eat my American-made car :)

And if you care to IS technically 'my fault' since I was crossing traffic. Hmph!


  1. OH NO! What a bummer! So glad you weren't hurt though!

  2. Ouch :( But go Cobey for kicking major butt! And lastly, glad you're okay!! Now that that's out of the way 2010 is ready for you:)
