Monday, March 1, 2010

Keeping Busy...

Finally!! After weeks of unemployment, mine & Ross' insanity has been put to the test, and we've tried just about anything to keep us preoccupied. Of course, we're constantly on the lookout on the job front, but until then, we're desperate for things to do. Well, as of yesterday, we had to make the decision of whether or not to renew our lease for our apt. at Presidential Arms. I've been here for 3 years now (Ross -2 years) and we're both sick & tired of paying rent, and we just can't commit ourselves to being tied down to another year-long lease. And we're just not in the position to buy a house just yet. Our lives are so "up in the air" with not knowing where our jobs are going to be (hopefully close, but you never know), or where we'll be in 6 months or even 1 year, so signing up for another year just didn't seem worth it. AND we would love to be SAVING, rather than spending....who wouldn't?! SOOooo...*drum roll please* we've decided to downsize (yes, yes, i know...there ain't much downsizing to be done when you're already living in a 1-bdrm. apt.!!!!) and move to the empty apt. that my grandparent's have over their detached garage (for little or no rent!). We're literally packing up anything and everything that we haven't touched or don't use in our everyday lives and putting it into my parent's garage for storage until, one day, we can upgrade to a bigger space. (p.s. - Sorry mom & dad...we all know how much you LOVE having your kid's crap stored in your garage! JUST as soon as Mike & Michelle finally got their stuff we come!! :)

So, anyways, we've got 2 months left here at Presidential Arms. *Tears please* Don't worry, I will do a post dedicated to my first apt. before we leave. I have to. It's only necessary to document your first home of independence. I will miss it, but at the same time, I'm excited for a new change.

And of course, I'm excited to have an excuse to spend money on some home decor for the new place :) The amount of hatred I have for clothes shopping is quickly made up for in home decor shopping! I dream of curtains and rugs and color schemes. I dream of finding deals for this stuff as well b/c a deal is always sweeter than paying full price. OHHH Ikea! Here I come! I'm tingly all over just thinking about it. So, for the next few weeks, we will be busy packing stuff up, and moving down the road 10 minutes. I'm excited even though the new place is much smaller. It'll be a fun change.

Oh, and did I mention that we need to buy a stove & fridge as well for the apt.?? I've found a few great deals on used stoves on Craigslist, and now I'm officially giddy with excitement about how fun it is to find great deals on that website. We're thinking of buying a new fridge, since a second fridge can always be handy in a home one day, so I'll have to start researching a few. AND we also need to buy my own washer & dryer for the place. MY OWN WASHER & DRYER! NO QUARTERS NECESSARY! *gulp* I'm giddy again. I should go before I'm overloaded with giddiness.......


  1. I think this is a fabulous idea!

  2. I wanna go to Ikea with you! You're so creative, you can help me decorate my house:)

  3. Also, I went to download this same background yesterday, but got distracted and never got back to it! I guess I'll find another one:P

  4. haha....awesome. You can def. come with me to Ikea! Ross has just informed me that he hates I will need a shoppping buddy :)

  5. Mike said that there's a Sears store in Pittsburgh that sells "dings and scratches" appliances or something. Example: You could get a fridge for MUCH cheaper because it has a scratch in the back corner (floor models) and when you have it in your kitchen you can't even see it.

    Anyway I thought it was a sweet idea, so if you feel like checking it out let me know how it goes.

    I love the home decor pieces you've been buying, some day you're going to have to help me!

    Miss you! Happy packing :)

  6. Thanks! I think we are looking there on Saturday with Ross' mom. I already have my heart set on a particular washer & dryer..but we still need a fridge. I'll let you know how it goes :)
