Friday, March 26, 2010

Welcome to my life....

Well, it's been a crazy-filled week, so let me just give you a quick recap:

Monday: I started my new job ....the "1st day of work" is always the worst, so I don't fret about it too badly after having a bad day

Tuesday: Still hate my new job....still miss my old job...welcome to my life/ Ross - still hates his job at Home Depot, after working there for 2 weeks, decides he should go back to landscaping (which he did a few summers ago when he was saving up to buy my engagement ring *awwwwww* ....*ahem*)

Wednesday: Still hate my new job, realize I hate the industry I'm now working in (401k's, pension plans, etc.), and still miss anything to do with real estate :( (aka my old job)/Ross - quits Home Depot, and calls his old landscaping boss to see if he could work for him again until he finds something in his degree

Thursday: Ross - officially done with Home Depot, starts landscaping tomorrow

Friday: Now that I'm done with the first week at my new job, I have a better feel of things, but I still don't like it. I know I can suck it up for a few weeks to see if the new job gets any better, but I need to figure out if its just the job I hate or if I'm just sick of being an admin. all together and need to find a new career path/ Ross - started landscaping today & fractured his finger on his first day of work.....comes home from work and thinks that I will share in the "funny-ridiculousness" of the situation...I do not. I say that he should be happy we still have "good" insurance through my old job (via cobra) b/c my new job offers crappy insurance that I have to pay outta my wazoo. I tell Ross not to injure himself anymore after May when the new crappy insurance kicks in. boo.

So...welcome to my life. It's been a tough week, but I'm sure things will start to look up. Until then, I'm gonna continue to hold a grudge & cry about being laid off of the job I actually did like, with people I liked. I like to hold grudges ...I learned that from my family. And I will do so until I find a new job that I like even better than the last. All in all ....Ross fracturing his finger put me over the edge for all I can handle this week, so I've been quite delirious while writing this post, and I hope it makes sense. I can't wait to see what this weekend has in store for me *sigh*.....


  1. :( I hope the weekend gives you much needed relaxation. Hang tough - look forward to Easter coming soon and I'll be in town so hopefully we'll be able to get together:)

  2. I will definitely add you guys to my ever-growing prayer list. Something good will come along... I think we have to hit the bottom of the circle sometimes to appreciate life when we get the upswing. Love you! Aunt Beth

  3. Aunt Beth - I agree. We will certainly be the most grateful people when something good (career wise) comes along! At least we are lucky in so many other ways :)

    Ang - I can't wait to see you next weekend! It will be very much needed...
