Monday, January 10, 2011

Smell My Lemons!

Ever since Ross & I closed on our house, home renovations have taken off. It's been great and certainly a learning experience, but it's also exhausting. I'm completely and utterly tired. And my wrist hurts, I think I did a bit too much cleaning and scrubbing at the house yesterday, but it was all worth it. Now our new kitchen smells like lemons! Lots of lemons! I scream "I want my house to smell like lemons, dang it!" all day long when I clean, b/c right now, our house has a funky smell that I hope will go away when we get some of the carpet taken out and the walls painted. Mom was brave and cleaned our bathrooms on saturday. With rubber gloves. What a huge stepping stone. I can't believe what a difference clean bathrooms make! It's like I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and that our house is not a complete disaster anymore, but finally becoming a home. And after another 8-hour home reno day yesterday, our kitchen is 90% clean. All of the cabinets have been removed, de-greased, cleaned, lysol-ed, scrubbed, washed, and hung back up. I will have the cleanest home in all of Pennsylvania when I am through with it :) And it shall SMELL LIKE LEMONS! Even if the fumes ARE toxic b/c of how strongly they disinfect. SMELL MY LEMONS!


  1. Kristin, I think it's time for you to step away from the cleaner & open a window... You're starting to scare me w/ the SMELL MY LEMONS talk. haha. Glad to hear the renovations are going well :) Let us know if you want any help - we'd be glad to come home for a weekend & be productive!!

  2. Thanks Ang! I think, perhaps, the fumes are getting to me :) But I will def. let you know when we need help! I think I'm saving everyone's help for when we need to start painting, b/c there will be a lot of it! Since EVERY Room is an ugly color! haha
