Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Big Move

Well, not yet. The big move is not 'til next Sunday, but Ross & I got a lot accomplished today to get ready for the move. We brought over 2 cars full of boxes in order to get a head start on moving. My grandma helped me clean the new apartment today while waiting for my delicious new washer & dryer to arrive. And when they did, I surely did a happy dance. I can't wait to do laundry without quarters!! I unpacked a few boxes, but there are definitely many more to go which will wait until we have some help next weekend. The old apartment is slowly getting packed up. Everyday I choose to eliminate something else and pack it away until next week. I can't believe how much stuff we have! And I've always been the frugal one in my family...geesh. (On another least I did NOT have 5 boxes of "Kitchen Gadgets"!! *ahem* michelle. j/k, wait, no, she really DID have a million boxes of kitchen gadgets. Ok, ok, I should be nice or else she won't help us move.)

It's bittersweet saying good-bye to the old place, but I'm excited for some change. And I can already tell Dakota is going to love her big yard at the new place, as she was roaming around off-leash today for awhile, and surprisingly enough, did not run away.... Aw shucks, she must like me, she really really likes me! *ahem* Anywho, I'll be ecstatic to finally no longer have to look at a box! We've been packing up (out of boredom!) for the last 2 months. Unemployment does some weird things to you.

Besides that, I have an interview on Tuesday I'm excited about...andddd there I go jinxing it (maybe you should all wish me luck). And I've been applying to jobs for Ross (with his permission) since he seems to have no free time anymore, now that he's landscaping. He will def. owe me his life (o wait, isn't that what marriage is for?!?! j/k, j/'s because we LURV each other) if I get him a job.

So it seems like life is always keeping us on our toes at the Seibert household! But on another note....I hate packing... and moving.... who's idea was this anyway?!


  1. Good luck w/ your interview!!! Miss you guys! Hope your move goes well :)

  2. Good luck on Tues! I can't wait to help you unpack....assuming the bathroom is good to miss a day of remodeling:)
